I'm toying with the idea of making my own protein powder - It's so expensive especially as I'd have to ship it internationally, plus if I made it myself I'd know exactly what it was made from and I'd know it was fresh (not sure if I like the idea of a jar of 'mystery powder' from the other side of the planet).
A lot of raw protein powders are mostly made of sprouted legumes/grains and some seeds such as hemp.
Do you think it would work if I simply dehydrated some sprouts (or whatever), then ground into a powder, then add in some ground seeds, and stored in the freezer? would it have a lot of protein? Anyone done this? I'm thinking to use it to add to smoothies (or anything else really)......
I couldn't see sprouts grounding to a powder easily, would be more like a mushy vegetable mess i reckon. I know people who grind hemp seeds or mixtures of seeds and use it as a protein supplement. The downfall is that its not isolated like many raw protein powders so there very high in fat also.
Ill have a think, ive just woke up so im abit hazy at the moment lol.
Thanks for your thoughts powerlifter. I've never dehydrated sprouts so I wasn't sure... I thought maybe I could just dehydrate the crap out of them... or maybe grind them up into mush first and then dehydrate, then grind again. I would like lower fat if possible :)
Hey Maxie7 - Ok, so while it's a great idea in theory :) I would see the total cost of that coming close to store bought brands. Ok, that's a lie - not Sun Warrior protein, it's godly overpriced. However, hemp protein (IMO) is rather affordable - 3 lbs, 27 dollars, I like it :) I also supplement with Pea Protein as well - Although not 100% raw, I still believe in the product - just a personal pref. Then again, I'm allergic to brown rice, so that rules out a lot of other options, ha. So no, I've never attempted my own, but I would recommend (before doing so) running some cost analysis sheets to see how much you'd be saving - as it might not be worth the hassle! Also, Powerlifter is right - grinding nuts and seeds (and/or hemp) leaves it fairly high fat.
What's the point of making a protein powder? Why not just eat foods that have adequate amounts of protein? Unless you are a bodybuilder attempting to build a ridiculous amount of muscle, fruits and vegetables should do you fine. Low fat is better.
Hey Eecho - To each is their own :) It's impossible to say low fat is better, as everyone's body works in a different way and has different needs. Moreover, his question was 'can I make it?' not, 'do I need it?'
Its not "impossible" to say that low fat is better - I can direct you towards a lot of information if you like. Its not a personal attack, my dear, its just advice - and I think the context of the question (an internet forum) warrants such a response as I gave.
There's a lot more science saying low fat is better than science that says that "everyone is different and has different needs" (is there any?) Of course, such science doesn't take into account individual starting points and emotional needs, so this is where a lot of diversity comes into play - you are 100% right on that one.
Maxie, to clarify my response which perhaps seemed abrupt, I find that the protein powder paradigm doesn't really compute over to raw food. Mainstream health drills it into our heads as a necessity (especially if you want to be a manly man), but if we believed mainstream health then why are we doing raw foods?
If your goal is to easily consume high quality amino acids, no problem! All raw fruits and vegetables accomplishes this for you. However, if you insist on a protein shake "replacement", maybe you can make a green smoothie with 6-8 bananas and a head of kale (or something like that). Thats a lot of protein right there. And if you don't feel any ill effects from the additional fat, throw in some hemp seeds for even more.
There is just as much study including a 450million pound funded one which shows low fat diets are actually more harmful. Pretty much what rawxy said to each there own. Fat is essential for a number of body functions such as the synthesis of hormones etc and personally low fat didn't work for me long term.
I agree with you that mainstream drums into us that we need more protein than we really do, but as a bodybuilder i can say i have DOMS and dont repair anywhere near quick enough without additional protein postwork out. Even with excess calories.
Yeah, its a lot different with bodybuilding though, isn't it? I mean, you have to do a lot of specific things differently - its not the same as ordinary strength training?
P.S. maybe there's research for both, point is, there's nothing wrong with what I said, definitely not "impossible"
Strength training if were talking about proper strength training with weights which is just as taxing if not more than bodybuilding due to the higher weight used. Strength training is trained in the 1-5 rep range where as bodybuilding is usually 8-12 repetition range.
But yeah what i follow is more close to strength training than bodybuilding and i feel with most of the research we have access too extra protein(not over the top) is necessary and taken in around 20g post workout has always worked best for me.
Ok. For what its worth, an interesting article by Mac Danzig, vegan UFC fighter: http://www.mikemahler.com/articles/macdanzig.html
I pretty much agree with everything he says although do think he should get more of his calories from whole foods rather than relying so heavily on shakes, bars and other quite junkish food.
What about Brazil nut protein powder. I've bought it online in the past. Their description is that it is made from nuts that have been cold pressed to remove the oils and then ground. It tastes good too. I wonder if the pulp from making milk would be about the same or if it removes the protein and just leaves the fiber.
I bought it from NaturalZing.com, you can find a description there.
hi everyone, thanks for all the replies, I haven't been online in a little while!
The reason I'm asking for protein powder is because I'm still pretty new to idea of the raw food lifestyle, and I currently enjoy using protein powder (though it isn't raw, it's pea protein) In the future I may find that protein powder isn't necessary, but as I said I'm still very early in my journey and would like to give it a go.
That said I would like to avoid a lot of fat in my protein powder- since writing this question I've been doing some reading on a lot of things like food combining, and how we don't need that much protein and fat! There's a lot of diet information out there and it's hard to know which info to trust. Maybe it is just a matter of opinion. If you conduct enough studies on something you're bound to find some results to support your idea. So I've decided that instead of trusting one person's ideas as gospel I'm going to try out different things myself and find what works for me. So far I KNOW that too much fat is not good for me, it makes me feel yucky. As for protein amounts I don't know yet. Is it possible to get protein without lots of fat? (I was thinking along the lines of sprouted legumes - which I know a lot of people disapprove of but I'd lke to try them for myself and see how I go)
The other reason I'd like to keep some protein is because I'm pregnant - and soon to be breastfeeding. Maybe I've just been brainwashed by the medical industry or whatever, but I still have a niggling worry about carrying/breastfeeding my baby without adequate protein. Because I'm going to be in charge of my babys nutrition as well as my own, it's hard to jump in and make these decisions. If I wasn't pregnant I'd jump right in to a low protein diet and try it. My doctor would definitely not support a low protein raw diet - she does not even support a vegan diet, she currently believes that I am eating some animal protein because without it I would be "depriving my baby". I am not eating any animal protein but I got sick of the guilt trips and the lack of understanding of my vegan beliefs that I just allowed her to believe that I'm eating a vegetarian diet.
Hi Maxie, after learning that you are pregnant my level of respect for you tripled at least. For most people including myself, maintaining such a lifestyle as raw vegan is enough of a challenge all on its own! Are you going to be one of those mothers that gives birth and then just goes right to long distance running with her kid in a stroller? No matter now manly I feel during a run, no matter how much I'm putting out, when I pass by a mother running with her kid in a stroller I always feel like a pathetic weakling by comparison...
Anyway, it may be a comfort to know that human breast milk is very low in protein (in comparison with other caloric ratios). An internet search will reveal a range from 2% to 10% (just search "how much protein in breast milk" or something like that). I would tend to believe sources toward the bottom end are more accurate, but even a 10% roof wouldn't shatter any vegan paradigms. Indeed, all low fat raw vegan foods fall safely in that range (or higher!)
For instance...
raw kale is 16% protein
raw spinach is 30% protein
broccoli is 20% protein
and the list goes on...
fruits are typically 3-7% protein which is still within the safe range
I am a 23-year old male college student, so I don't know what its like to be in your situation, but I hope this information is helpful. I wish you the best and hope that you can find enough information to be comfortable doing what you think and feel is best!
Watch high intakes of the goitrogenic vegetables such as kale, spinach, broccoli etc especially when pregnant as pregnancy increases iodine needs and with all those goitrogenic vegetables you could end up with goiter.
ok. Brazil Nut powder might be something to try.
Also... Spirulina and Chlorella are a good choice.
Hemp Protein Powders with Fiber are also good. Just eat your greens, hemp seeds, pumpkin seeds, the sprouted non-stored grain and legumes, you will be fine.
An average person really only needs about 25-35g of protein but you might want to get just a tad extra depending on your lifestyle. A person can easily get that if you stick to 30% protein by volume
pl, how much is too much?
You mean for the goitrogenic vegetables, it depends on a variety of factors such as how much iodine your getting to counter the goitrogens, aswell as if your consuming large amounts of phyto-estrogens which although healthy in large amounts can interfere with thyroid function also.
So its hard to tell. Basically it isnt an issue for most as they eat the goitrogenic vegetables cooked which inactivates the goitrogens in around 10 minutes. But because us raw fooders juice and eat many of these raw we have to watch. The same goes for high intakes of flaxseed.
R U sure some Brazil nuts are raw? I heard that Brazil nuts, even if grown organically, are boiled before shelling to soften the outer husk for removal. Some producers boil them at two different staging processes. You can find out by soaking a couple of them and seeing if they will sprout. I haven't been able to get mine 2 sprout, but I didn't purchase them from the same company you mentioned. I'll check them next. Good luck!