Onion bread question re: sweet onions

NonnaMicNonnaMic Raw Master
I can't find white sweet onions. They have brown or a yellow peeling. Help! Are there sweet onions with white peelings? I'm out now shopping so if you can answer I'm all eyes!


  • TammiTrueTammiTrue Raw Master

    Are the white ones heirloom? All I ever see in the store are the ones with the yellow peels. 

  • NonnaMicNonnaMic Raw Master
    I was so in a rush I left my list at home with my notes. The onions have a yellow peel but are white inside. They list them as sweet onions in our stores. Two things happened: the store had white onions but no sweet onions. Another store had brown onions. I had a brain freeze, called my husband and he read my notes: get the onions with the yellow peel that's labeled sweet onions. Note to self: out my notes in my phone where everything else is kept lol
  • TammiTrueTammiTrue Raw Master

    I'm glad you found the right ones in the end. After reading your post I ended up googling sweet white onions because I couldn't remember if they existed. 

  • NonnaMicNonnaMic Raw Master

    Yes, I'm glad!  The onion bread is delish in a veggie wrap with raw ranch.  How do you store your onion bread?  I feel bad about layering it in parchment paper in a baggie. 

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