i have recently gone raw. lately i have been making alot of “raw cookies” which consist of ground almonds, nut milk, dates, and a few seasonings. it gave me terrible gas. only recently have i read in another forum that almonds and dates are a no-go together. something about the almonds being to fattening and the dates too high in sugar. the body processing the fat first, then the sugar being left in the body for too long and going rancid. i also read in another forum that rawists “dont smell!” haha the things i have learned! so if im having such terrible gas surely it must be the dates and almonds together. your thoughts, please?
so i was trying to think of a more neutral approach. perhaps still making the cookies but without mixing dates and almonds together.
how about a milder “flour” base? maybe grinding up oatmeal (which i have learned isnt 100 percent raw but like i said, im a newbie) and mixing that with dates… or oatmeal with almonds.
what would be less fattening than almonds to grind up and make cookies with. (that is RAW)thank you all!
Well that’s kinda one of this big problems with a lot of the raw desserts… they seem to always combine nuts and fruit (whether it’s fresh fruit or dried), and well, nuts and sweet fruits together are a BIG no-no when it comes to food combining! So most definitely that’s where your gas was coming from! I have no idea what you could use for substitutions because of all the material I’ve read on food combining, it all says that fruits, cause they are high in sugar, should always be eaten alone. I know it can be hard cause sometimes you just gotta give into your cravings, but if you are aware of what certain food combos do to you, then you can just plan ahead (for a night alone?) he he!
But when I am craving desserts, I make banana puddings or ice cream. I make the base out of bananas, dates, and vanilla bean. If I want chocolate, I add in some carob, coco, and maca powders. Comes out pretty darn yummy and then I don’t have to worry about the bad (fat+sugar) combo. I never have any probs with my puddings as is, but I remember one time when I decided to add in some avocado as well, and boy I totally felt the difference… which was not a good difference by the way! ;-)
What?! Nuts and fruit cause gas?!! I missed that post! I had no idea… Does this only happen with combining raw nuts and fruits or does it also happen with cooked? Is this the same for seeds and fruit?
I need to see a food combinging chart… maybe I should paying more attention to that.
As for desserts… I make an carob/cacao pudding… with avocado or coconut as base. I also made macaroons which combine coconut, carob, vanilla, and maple syrup. These are in the Raw Food Real World un-cookbook. But, they do use maple syrup. :o( The macaroons are a HIT with many people. Yum! And, yes, I used to make cookies using germinated oat groats but I (temporarily) stopped using grains. I mixed them with raw honey, banana, and raisins.