Less than 100% raw?

I wondered many of you were not 100% raw by choice and if so, why? Was it driven by any physical problems that came about from eating all raw all the time? (I have developed acid reflux for the first time ever, persistent nausea, constipation, gas etc. lately)


  • coconuttycoconutty Raw Newbie

    Depending on how and what you are eating, it is very likely that those problems could be due to very poor food combining. The more raw I’ve become and by being 100% I’ve really had to watch what I eat and what I eat it with. But I’ve naturally become attracted to mono meals so that helps.

  • ZoeZoe Raw Newbie

    Some of your problems could be caused by detox…which can do some very weird things to the body. Eating cooked food slows down detoxing. Give your body a chance to adjust to being raw, it takes some time.

  • Hi gmom- I am sorry you are having so many problems right now. What are you eating predominately? It sounds like to me that you might be trying to pass a gallstone, or may need to get this area checked out by a Dr. Have you tried a cleanse to try to help? Have you tried not eating nuts for a couple days? Make sure and eat things high in fiber like pears and prunes. Are you taking any nutritional supplements?

  • MarichiesaMarichiesa Raw Newbie

    I’m with coconutty. I’d pay attention to food combining.Since going raw my already sensitive digestive system has become even more intolerant of poor food combinations. On the plus side mono meals are not a hardship because my tastebuds are much more developed and foods by themselves taste amazing.Good Luck!

  • I find I can only go 2 weeks being 100% completely raw. I end up feeling sooo hungry and unsatisfied. I’ll eat so many nuts and then my stomach will hurt and I’ll get so gassy. Then I’ll eat too many sweets and I have candida which makes it hard to eat too many sweet treats. My body gets all out of balance and I feel lightheaded and unable to focus or think properly. I’ve tried eating less nuts, more greens, etc. but end up feeling so miserably hungry. I find that if I just eat a tiny bowl of cooked rice once a week it helps ground me and keeps me in balance. For now that’s what I’m doing because I really couldn’t handle what I was going through before. I think everyone needs to find what works for them and I’m not sure a 100% raw diet is perfect for everyone, although I myself keep striving for it.

    What everyone says about food combining is important. Different food enzymes create different reactions, such as fruit and veggies. I’ve never been able to combine these together, cooked or raw. Eating simpler meals definitely does help.

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