Flax seed

Do you have to soak these in order get more of the nutrition?? I have soaked in the past and ended up throwing a whole batch away as it just turned into a paste!! :(

Thanks for any info! :)


  • ZoeZoe Raw Newbie

    Yes it is good to soak flax seeds for 2 reasons… When you soak a dried seed or nut it takes the enzyme inhibitors off and the goodness of the enzymes are released into the seed or nut. So it it easier to digest and better for you.

    And the best thing about flax seeds is the goop! We love the goop! They are covered with a slimy goop which gets slimier and goopier when soaked. This is fabulous for creating a fried or roasted kind of thing, and for sticking together crackers, bread, burgers and patties. I usually soak them for between 15 mins to a few hours for using in recipes.

    If you are just having them as a sprinkle on a salad then soaking would not be a good idea, unless you like goop on your salad.

    Buckwheat does the same thing when it is soaked.

  • I grind flaxseed and put it in my green smoothie in the morning. I put the smoothie in a mason jar and take it with me. I drink it at about 2pm, so my flax has been soaking in my smoothie for about 6 hours. Do you think this method is ok?

  • ZoeZoe Raw Newbie

    Yes I would think so. If it tastes good then it is good. Flax is a great thing to thicken a smoothie with. Also if you grind them it is easier for your body to do things with the omega oils in the seeds.

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