I have been struggling with the RAW diet mainly because of detox. When I eat raw during the day, naturally I will want to have a raw dinner. But every time dinner comes I start to feel tired and sick. Ive come to realize that these are symptoms of detox. There is no cooked food in this house except for rice noodles, my boyfriends pizzas, and the occasional snacks like cheese or crackers.I have not gone through a single day being 100% raw. Now Ive decided to go ahead with the detox. To be honest I’m very nervous about it. I believe I’m severly toxic. So please share your experiences here, and some encouraging words. Oh yes, I am breastfeeding also.
My detox experience wasn’t so bad… or at least, I don’t think its bad, but I suppose it has the potential to get worse.
At first I had tons of energy, but quickly after my energy all but went away. This can be due to other factors (namely, I had a messed up sleeping schedule and was staying up way too late), but I think it might have been largely due to detoxing. Now that’s gone, and it didn’t take long, however I do find myself craving cooked food now (or, rather, foods with different textures). I believe this may also be part of the detox. I think it will get better once I get my dehydrator and can make various raw foods.
If you’re having trouble staying raw, I have this suggestion: Try writing down what you’re going to eat for the next day. I’m trying that today, and so far so good. The real test will be at dinner-time. Just make sure you have everything on hand for your meals tomorrow… I wanted to have an avocado for lunch but realized that it wasn’t ripe :( Oh well. Still determined to stay raw.
So, I understand where you’re coming from when you say “tired”, but how do you feel sick? Is it like a sick to your stomach or what? I know that if I eat too many salads I feel sick just to look at anything like a salad (I need different texture / taste). I would say try and identify why you feel sick, or at least how exactly. That way you can maybe pinpoint a way to alleviate it.