Being Raw with a Hernia

My boyfriend eats cooked foods and I am trying to transition him to raw foods. The problem is that he has a hiatal hernia. He cannot eat acidic foods and spices, or his hernia will act up and he will be in pain. In addition, he has trouble tasting foods (and spices add so much taste! :(

Does anyone have either general advice or personal advice regarding hernia/acific foods and taste?

Thank you so much in advance!

Kind regards, Caroline


  • HI Rawlife

    I recently talked to someone who had a b12 deficiency and who also ate meat. So it can be caused by a lot of things, leaky gut syndrome, an ulcer, colitis, etc. Loss of taste can be caused by many different deficiencies including vitamin A and b12.

    He should be talking a supplement or drinking a smoothie mix with all of the essential vitamins. This is the best way to get him going and you could add banana, melon, or pears that would be pretty soothing on a stomach.

    The good thing about him losing his taste is you could sneak much stronger greens in a smoothie for him and it wouldn’t be bad tasting at all to him! Look into dandylion greens, watercress, parsley, kale itc. They would be the more effective ones that may heal him the fastest as well.

    People who are on dialysis are give chlorophyl tablets to purify their systems so he may need a lot more of it too.

    Spirulina added to a smoothie would be good. It’s in a lot of mixes.

    I’d focus on creamy milks and soup type recipes. You can barely even tell they’re not made with cream and I’ve put spinach in one and it still looked white so it wasn’t too scary.

    Since I have been eating this way I have cut way back on onions and garlic because they taste a lot stronger to me. ZBut the other thing is jalepenos don’t taste too hot so it’s weird. You’ll have to experiment because tastes can change dramatically. I used to hate zuchini but now I love it. Eggplant is great marinated and or dehydrated. Cucumbers would be good with just a little olive oil and dry spices. Celery seed and basil should be soothing to his stomach and I would recommend getting some aloe-it’s really good at healing the intestinal tract.

    here are some links:…

    Good luck!

  • Thanks writeeternity!

    I will definitely give him some aloe vera.

    He gets blood tests and they don’t show he’s deficient on anything…I may have to ask him to get more recent ones and feed him accordingly.

    In clarification to loss of taste..I really meant to say that food easily tastes bland to him. Vegetables and grains are very bland to him (he calls these taste-less) unless spiced up or with a strong taste like meat. Unfortunately, meat is not good (his body is telling him this and he is trying to avoid it) and spices hurt his hernia. So, I’m more looking for recipes that provide lots of flavor without being acidic and full of hot spices.

    Best wishes, Caroline

  • raw_earthraw_earth Raw Newbie

    Well, this not might help with taste as much, but blended foods are great because they are much easier to digest. Maybe try out some raw soups, smoothies, and also juices rather than foods in their absolutely natural state and see how that works. You/he can always play around with certain spices like cinnamon, nutmeg, and cardamom (if those don’t bother him) for sweeter shakes to give them more taste.

  • I’ll try that. Thanks!

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