I'm dehydrated - help

I can’t seem to get enough water during the day. I’m drinking a green smoothie and some vegetable/fruit juice everyday. I don’t feel thirsty. This was a problem when I was cooked but I’d hoped being raw would correct it. Anyone have any ideas? It would be greatly appreciated.


  • BluedolfinBluedolfin Raw Newbie

    Hi yammygirl~ When I coach people, I suggest they get a 1/2 gallon jug (bottle) and fill it with water every morning. This is 64 oz. Then make sure by evening, one sees the bottom… by drinking the water throughout the day. If you need “flavoring” in the water, add fresh lemon. This helps to cleanse. Drinking plain, clean water is different than drinking other liquids. Plain water does different things in the body.

    One “school of thought” about the “right” amount of water to drink (as a guideline) to staying hydrated and drinking enough water to allow the body to cleanse is to take the number of pounds you weight and divide the number in half and drink that many ounces. Eg. 100 lbs div 1/2 = 50 ounces. I start people at the 64 oz level (most people I work with are over 100 lbs) and then work up from there. If you work out alot or sweat alot for some other reason, then drink more then the guidelines. Listen to your body which it sounds like you are doing.

    A quick test to see if one is dehydrated is to lightly pinch the skin on the back of one’s hand (relax hand). If the pinched skin quickly relaxes back to “normal” then you are pretty hydrated. If the pinched skin stays “puckered” then that is a sign of dehydration.

    Most of the people in the US are chronically dehydrated… not drinking enough water, working in air conditioned environments, etc.

    Bottom line… drink water or water with lemon. You will be amazed at the difference. At first it might feel like you are peeing your brains out, but it gets better. Happy drinking. :-)

  • Since fruit & vegetables in their raw state (and not dehydrated) have so much water, you may find you’re getting a lot more fluid from them than you realise!

  • ZoeZoe Raw Newbie

    You say you’re not thirsty so why do you believe you are dehydrated? You need less water when raw because as Belisarius says the raw food contains about 90% water. And it takes very little stomach acids to digest raw food. You use up litres trying to digest cooked food.

    Don’t force yourself to drink when you don’t want to. Guidelines for water consumption are based on cooked food eaters, it all goes out the window when you go raw.

  • Thanks for the info, Zoe. I’ve had a headache for the last 3 days and in the past it was because I didn’t have enough water. Maybe I’m experiencing some detoxing. Anyway, thanks

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