Blistered lips

hi guys,

I guess this is part of the detox, but since I started raw my lips are really chapped and have small blisters on them. Itchy too! Not sure if anyone else has had this. I don’t normally have any probs with chapping. Could it be some raw juices i.e. spinach? which is affecting this?

Thanks! :)


  • hey guys, me again. I’m really worried now as its getting worse. I haven’t had any replies which makes me feel that this may not be detox after all, gonna go see a doc! tc

  • itouristitourist Raw Newbie

    Good luck

    Yes, I think other kindred spirits would mention if they have had blistered lips as part of the raw process. Some people mention that their zits increase. But zits are not blisters.

    To be safe you must see a doctor. Blisters could mean a chicken pox/herpes type infection. I saw a scary story on tv where that female doctor who does autopsies had a woman who died from herpes of the mouth infection spreading throughout her body killing her liver. She died a week after a man with the mouth infection bit her during a kiss at a night out at a bar. She had just met him …..hope he’s at the doctor now. Does anyone need more scary stories?

  • coconuttycoconutty Raw Newbie

    Allergic or detox reaction to something that you are eating??? Or if I go too heavy on acidic/citrus fruits I can sometimes run into problems with my lips. Like if I drink too much citrus juice and I don’t make sure my lips are clean afterwards they will get really dry and chapped. Not sure if this is similar to your situation or not but just a thought!

  • lstorzlstorz Raw Superstar

    i had really dry and itchy lips when i just stopped eating all of the foods that i was allergic to (wheat, sugar, etc), not even going all the way raw. so i think it must be a detox thing. mine went away in a week or two. i remember trying to add more fats to my diet. it didn’t seem like anything topical really had an effect. good luck!

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