Raw food lifestyle going mainstream in the media

Just this week Kriss Carr of the documentary Crazy Sexy Cancer was on Oprah on Monday and said that food was her medicine and then they showed the fruit and vegetable area of a supermarket and she said that she starts her day with a green juice drink every day. :) That was heard and viewed by millions!

Today’s NYTimes has an article in the Dining section and it praises a raw Kale Salad http://www.nytimes.com/2007/10/24/dining/24appe… albeit doused with cheese but still, it talks about how good this raw kale salad was when ordered at a restaurant in Prospect Heights New York. Slowly but surely raw foods and its benefits are beginning to sink into the nation’s consciousness. Yay! xo Dea


  • yay raw!!!! I’ve been pretty much 90% raw these past two weeks, but today went on a binge of crackers and picante! hehe …. I really need to get a dehydrator as miss the crunchiness more than anything. Am also gradually planning to put out a few articles on my exp in the media here!

  • stylistchickstylistchick Raw Newbie

    i notice the lifestyle mentioned quite a bit in newspapers and magazines. the effects are too powerful for the word not to get out. i think its alot like the mainstream vegan movement, when it got really popular with kids back in the early 90’s. let us know if it re-airs, i found out about it a day too late!

  • Hi stylist chick, I am not sure if it will re-air but there’s a wonderful article and pictures about it on Oprah.com, the episode dealt with well..death and cancer, this woman Kris would not accept what her doctors told her and through live foods, sunshine, attitude adjustment, laughter, massage and yoga she’s stabilized her tumors. It was quite moving. Tonight Kris Carr’s documentary will air on the Learning Channel 8 pm or 7 central! Its called Crazy Sexy Cancer. I live in Italy so I will be ordering the dvd. :) I don’t get magazines here but I do sometimes see Oprah or the Today show a day late and there are mentions here and there of green smoothies, green juice, whole foods.

    How are you btw? I remember reading a while ago that (I hope I have the right person) that your diabetes had improved while raw… ciao xo Dea

  • Hi Deasmiles, I haven’t been around for a while ,are you back in the States? Is it easier to live on the diet now? I’m off and on . I wish I could just stick to raw all the way. I’m happy to hear the word is out on good health and happiness in raw food life. KJ

  • stylistchickstylistchick Raw Newbie

    deasmiles, thanks for asking how i am. overall i’m doing great, my blood pressure is actually LOW now. i still struggle with diabetes, my levels had greatly improved, but then all of a sudden, it was like my body got used to it, and started demanding more insulin! but soon i will be starting an excersize program, and i espect to be doing even better. my spirits are high, and thats the best feeling of all.

  • BluedolfinBluedolfin Raw Newbie

    Hi stylistchick~ Do you know about the Glycemic Index? This may provide some access to lowering your need for insulin. I happen to notice one of your recipes, the one that is like a milk shake that sounds sooooo yummy, contains a banana. What one sees with the Glycemic Index is that bananas are “high” on the GI. This means that is has been shown to cause an insulin surge. If you started to eat high GI foods, it might explain the need for more insulin. Just a thought…

  • Hi kdelicious, I ended up staying. My real motive for wanting to move back home was because my relationship was rocky earlier this year. We have since gotten married and come to common terms with what we want and its a partnership now, so yes I am still in Italy. 80% of me loves it here and there is 20% that is really homesick. Being raw has gotten easier, I have sourced organic food, found durian and get my nuts and seeds and super foods from Holland, Germany and the UK. It aint like going to whole foods but hey its worth it.

    Stlyistchick: glad to hear you’ve got your blood pressure in check, and good luck with the diabetes. I am good about being raw, feel great but still struggle with maintaining a work out routine. I am sure it would just turbo charge my weight loss if I could just have the desire to work out for 40 mins every day. I know I need to I just don’t want to. Glad to hear you are feeling great. That is one of the big perks of being raw.

  • pianissimapianissima Raw Newbie

    this is a slight change in the topic… but i’m noticing the movement start to gain speed as well. is anyone else concerned though, that because all these famous raw chefs use non-raw ingredients (nama shoyu, nutritional yeast, maple syrup, cashews) the raw movement is being “POORLY REPRESENTED?”

    the other night i went to a vegan restaurant that has a “raw” dressing made of nama shoyu and mint. i mean, i use nama shoyu sometimes too, but i KNOW it isn’t raw… anyway, just saying…

  • Well Deasmilies, You sound like it’s where your suppose to be. I’m really happy here in Asheville NC. too. That 40 mins. of excise would also do me wonders. We should see if we can get each other moving and maybe more with join in? Maybe start a walking form tomorrow. You start it since its morning in Italy before North Carolina, Thanks, KJ

  • ZoeZoe Raw Newbie

    Hey Dea, Nice to see your happy smiling face popping up here and there! We are getting lots of people emailing us at Purely Raw who are starting restraunts and want to include raw food on their menus. Two in the last week. And this is the UK!! One woman is planning to have a normal cafe and serve raw cakes and desserts. I don’t care if they serve steak and chips aswell,( umm well maybe not the steak!) as long as the raw is there too it is a start.

  • stylistchickstylistchick Raw Newbie

    bluedolfin: yes, i know about this, i know about the GI. i have type 1 diabetes. i could eat 3 or 4 cooked crackers and my levels would jump around 300. its outrageous. i have pretty much cut grains out of my diet altogether. raw food is the only thing that has really helped me. generally i follow the low GI diet, but there are very few foods that don’t increase my levels, and i can’t eat salads all day. oddly i have found i can have sweet fruit if its juiced fresh.

    Deasmiles: once again, i missed the learning channel documentary! i guess i will be youtubing! congrats on getting married!!

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