couple of questions??

Love4LifeLove4Life Raw Newbie

Hello, I just came upon alot of bannana’s and want to freeze them to use in future smoothies. My question is : will they turn black and if they do are they still usable? Second question, my assosiate at work has skin disorder (i’ll try to find out the name) and a customer has problems with hives… any ideas on what they could use to alleviate those would be much appreciated! :) Anyways, thanks in advance for any responses.

i’m sorry this is short, and i plan on writting about whats going on in my own journey at some point (it’s always easier for me to concentrate on others around me than myself)... so, i’ll close for now. christina


  • BluedolfinBluedolfin Raw Newbie

    Hi Love4Life~ I have frozen bananas two different ways, both are prepeeled (trying to peel a frozen banana is very difficult and cold!). 1. Lay peeled bananas on a cookie sheet and put in freezer overnight. Then put in baggies or some storage container. 2. Wrap individual bananas in Aluminum foil. Then freeze. Someone will probably say something about Aluminum foil being bad… I never tried using clear wrap for some reason…

    If the person has eczema, you can contact me through my website. I deal with that also, it is an immune system issue. Hives is also in immune system issue…

  • I just peel very sweet, ripe bananas, split them in half and fill a gallon freezer bag full of banana halves. Then when ready to make a smoothie, take some bananas out, toss in blender with water or juice and other fruit/greens, let thaw 10 minutes, then blend. There’s no need to separate them or use tinfoil, since only fruits with a very high moisture content like cantaloupe or papaya or pineapple are difficult to separate pieces once frozen.

  • I peel the bananas, break them in half, and put them into a Rubbermaid container. When it’s time to use them, they come apart pretty easily with the help of a chef’s knife.

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