Let's talk WATER

heathermarsbombheathermarsbomb Raw Newbie

Ok water, we all need it to uncook and live. I am getting tired (and guilty) buying big bottles of distilled water (reverse osmosis is used in distilled water to get out the flouride). After reading “The Flouride Deception” I am wary of ALL water. And with this Dasani ‘tap’ water fiasco I am super wary of all bottled water as well. The more I learn, the more damn confused I am getting!!!

I just bought a SIGG water bottle online. (mysigg.com) But the question is, WHAT will I fill it with?

I am scared of tap water after all the research I have been doing! Prozac, birth control, meds, etc etc have all bene found in public water supplies! Amongst other horrible things!!!!

So what water do YOU drink? Where do you get it from?

Water filter on your tap? What kind?

Input please and thank you :)


  • ZoeZoe Raw Newbie

    In the UK and all Europe we can buy water that is straight from natural springs, which is REALLY natural mineral water with nothing added, and never been through any processing. But I was dismayed when on a visit to the USA I saw water labelled as Spring water and it has never seen a spring!

    We did manage to find some Mount Shasta spring water though which is lovely and really from Mount Shasta.

    I am sure you also get the big brands like Evian, Volvic and Vittal all of those are real and true mineral water, at least when they are sold in Europe they are.

    Real pure mineral water should be from a natural source, and it should have the composition if minerals on the label. Check brands with the manufacturer to make sure it has not been tampered with.

    I always put some lemon, a crystal, or other fruit in my water to put the life back into it. There’s scientific stuff behind that but I cant remember what, it just tastes and feels better to drink with something fresh and live in it.

    Just to fuel your paranoia further (sorry)...I read David Wolfe going on about how he did an analysis of tap US water and found particles of toilet paper in it!

  • heathermarsbombheathermarsbomb Raw Newbie

    OH WOW. That’s so sickening! Somehow I am not surprised :(

    Thanks for the good input Zoe, I always enjoy reading your posts!

  • My input may not be useful… but anyway…

    I drink distilled tap water. We have a reverse osmosis filter… BUT… My home has well water, so it might be a little safer than usual tap water. Instead of lots of people urinating medication into my water its only the 4 or so unhealthy people living on my farm. Not wonderful but oh well…

    Also I live sort of back in the woods (not the middle of nowhere but not too close to any major roads either), so I think my water may be less polluted because of that. HOWEVER it also reeks like sulfer and may have bacteria in it, so I guess its a trade off. Thankfully this sulfer smell dissappears after being filtered, but it requires me to also put a filter on my shower head.

  • I boil the filtered water (from tap) and cool it down before drinking. Once the water is boiled no bacteria can grow in it and boiling kills all germs.

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