soaking nuts,dates

I am new to this, should one soak the dates and all nuts for twelve hours for any dish that you make.

Thank you


  • elizabethhelizabethh Raw Newbie

    generally the rule is the larger and harder the nut the longer the soak time. i soak most nuts and seeds for about four hours, eight if i plan ahead.
    only dried dates need to be soaked; fresh, squishy dates are fine unsoaked, unless you have a very sensitive blender/food processor.

  • emtpdmomemtpdmom Raw Newbie

    This site has a chart with soak times, and includes what the sprouted yield should be. For more indepth information on sprouting and detailed information on different seeds and nuts check here.

    Sorry, I meant to post this on the thread from January 2009. I'll also post there.

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