Looking for 3 hp blender

Looking for suggestions or direction. Need a 3 hp blender for optimal juicing. Budget is important. All suggestions are welcome. (have already checked out freecycle.com).

Thanks in advance.


  • germin8germin8 Raw Master

    Is $350 too much?

    I got mine from livingright.com for ~$350. My husband says he found one for less than that… but we had already ordered ours. (both new)

  • MeditatingMeditating Raw Newbie

    There is a guy on ebay that sells them for app. 289.00 and I think that includes shipping. I just purchase two, one for me and one for my son’s family. This is a demo, which may have been used to Blendtec for up to 30 days. You can also call Blendtec and buy the demo models directly from them. They charge 300 plus 15 for shipping. If you buy a demo blender, regardless of who you buy it from, you have to register for the warranty, which is limited to 1 year. This is the same blender that is sold to and used by all the Starbucks, except their programmable keys are different.

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