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Love/hate wheatgrass

jenny2052jenny2052 Raw Newbie

I’m moving toward a long juice feast at the moment and have started adding wheatgrass to my daily routine. It makes me feel great, and I enjoy the process of growing my own in particular (it’s very reassuring for a black thumb like myself). The trouble is, I violently detest the smell and taste of it – so much so that I almost feel like my body is a kid throwing a temper tantrum every time I drink it. As much as I focus on enjoying it beforehand, I gag and have other strong involuntary responses when it gets near my mouth (even when I’m holding my nose and exhaling). I do have a very light gag reflex, but my reaction here seems extreme.

My first impulse would be to suppose that it just doesn’t agree with me and give it up. But it makes me feel absolutely terrific! I do wonder, though, if all this reactivity is stressing my body and negating some of its purported benefits. I’ve tried drinking it meditatively, taking calming breaths beforehand, etc, but I still react strongly.

Any insights? Should I just keep drinking it, going with the way it makes me feel? Avoid it based on the reaction to the taste? I’m kind of stumped.


  • shgadwashgadwa Raw Newbie

    Keep taking it! By all means. It is good for you.

  • i felt the same way about my carrots and ginger juicer drink.. but you usually get rid of what ever conditioning you may have that is stopping you..

    like i use to hate veggies.. so becoming vegan was a challenge and now i love raw veggies..

    wheat grass isnt to bad after you take it and take it…

    i feel the same way still about rosemary..

  • After trying wheatgrass for the first time I didn’t particularly like the taste. I’ve found that by diluting the juice slightly with some water and adding some lemon juice (around a Tablespoon or so) really helps to make the drink more palatable. My boyfriend prefers it with some apple juice. Or if you really want to drink it plain it might help to have a slice of citrus to bite into after you chase it down to get rid of the after taste.

  • LucyLucy Raw Newbie

    wheatgrass is very strong,so if you are not used to it the best approach is to go slowly.A little bit at the beginning until you get used and your body can take it.To force something that you are not used to is a bad move and will not be good for you.

  • I have been getting the wheat grass “shooters” from the farmers market when we go on Sat. It took me a while to get used to that taste too, altho it never did cause a gag reflex. To me it tastes like freshly mowed lawn smells. Ha. I did head right over to get an orange sample to cover the taste. Lately I have picked up some of the little “growing” pots of it and been snipping off some to add to my green smoothies. I don’t detect the grassy taste in there. Maybe if you made a smoothie with some apple or banana it would help.

  • yeah going easy on it sounds like the right thing to do

  • jenny2052jenny2052 Raw Newbie

    Thanks, y’all! I will push through it! I’m grateful for the reassurance, and I certainly felt especially awesome all this morning after I drank my daily dose (and posted this question). I’ve been reluctant to dilute my little shots with anything because I hate to extend the taste, but biting into a lemon slice afterward sounds like a perfect solution! If that doesn’t work, I’ll try diluting it with lemon juice. I think it’s really the sweetness of it that bothers me (I don’t mind the grassiness so much), so adding something sour seems like a good plan.

    I’m just surprised how strongly I respond to the taste – the only thing I’ve ever reacted to so violently is durian.

  • Humans weren’t meant to eat grass.Wheat grass is not digestible by the human body.The people who believe wheat grass is good,has no proof of that,or has ever tested it to see it’s correct effects on the body.

  • shgadwashgadwa Raw Newbie


    Try it! Then you will know. According to Genesis 1:29, grass is acceptable. Smiles. It gives you a lot of energy and your body can digest it but if you juiced the grass, your body does not need to digest it.

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