food that "stays"

i am looking to prepare things (i guess butters, milks, dressings etc) once a week so meal prep time is cut down and I have things in my fridge readily available. Any suggestions?

BTWloooooooooooove this site so helpful folks!


  • germin8germin8 Raw Master

    Do you have a dehydrator? That would be help keep the food for weeks. Sprouts can also be kept for several days, maybe even weeks (according to But all the prepared fresh foods typically last 3-4… maybe 5 days. You pretty much have to keep food in its whole state to last more than that. Then, you could probably freeze some foods too, like dressings. The enzymes shouldn’t denature too much… or maybe it is just a slow process.

  • skizzyskizzy Raw Newbie

    i like to keep pesto on hand. there’s a recipe for raw sesame noodles on this site, and the sauce keeps pretty well and is good for about three meals. nut pates are good for quick nori wraps or sandwiches.

  • TomsMomTomsMom Raw Newbie

    I always have sprouted hummus and tomatoe-basil “cream” soup in the fridge! Both are easy and fast to make once a week. I also just created a nice sunflower seed “butter” to keep on hand for fast and easy sauce and dip bases. Last night I just grabbed a zuchinni and used a vegetable peeler to quickly make pasta with that tomatoe-basil cream soup for a sauce. I think it took about 7 minutes, yummm

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