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Weight Gain!

Hey everybody, I was wondering if someone could give me advice.
Okay here goes…
So, back in October of 2006 I discovered the raw lifestyle. I had previously been raw, I just didn’t know there was a name for the way I ate. I had a dehydrator so I used to make lightly dried fruit..(it was still sticky) So anyway, I hadn’t discovered fresh dates or raw sunflower seeds at the time. Now that I have discovered them, along with store bought “raw” dried fruit. I found that I have gained over 30lbs, and I say it’s because of the amount of fresh dated I roll in raw sunflower seeds, along with the dried fruit. I think it’s even an addiction. I eat WAY too many of these suckers. I’m willing to listen to any advice. What should I do when I get that urge to buy these “junk” foods?

(I know they’re not really junk foods, but they’re obviously not too healthy for me!)


  • juicyjuicy Raw Newbie

    The only thing I can suggest, based on personal experience of what has helped me resist eating unhealthy food, is to eat healthy food for a minimum of one week. For one week try to minimize your reliance on the dehydrator and eat tons of fruit and veggies loaded with water! And notice how you feel during that week…I think the feeling you get will be enough incentive to keep yourself eating this way forever! Even if you do slip up and eat your “junk food”, you will remember how awesome you felt for that week, and hopefully yearn to return to that lifestyle.

  • elizabethhelizabethh Raw Newbie

    try green smoothies, they wipe out cravings for ultra sweet or heavy food.

  • Try green smoothies. That way you get your greens and a fruity taste, and the good thing with green smmothies is that they diminishe your cravings

  • 2 minds, same thought elizabethh

  • chakra essence, a technique/rule I always use for myself is that if I’m overeating any one food or type of food, I cut it out of my diet until I can eat it in healthy amounts. It usually takes my body about 2 weeks. Obviously that is sometimes easier said then done when it’s something you’re craving but if you can just don’t buy the dates and seeds or have them anywhere you can get them easily. Also think of a yummy, but perhaps lighter alternative to each of the foods. I find that with dried fruit, the fresh version or a fruity type iced tea will do. With nuts, some dry crumbled sprouted bread.

    30lbs is definitely a change, think of what else might be going on that might cause such a change in your eating, exercise, or daily habits. Stress?? I find yoga to be a wonderful at calming cravings and moods without making appetite spike like some other forms of exercise.

    Hope that’s helpful.

  • Aim for water-rich foods as your primary source of nourishment (no dried fruit), and buy nuts in the shell—it’s way to easy to eat a bunch if all the work’s been done for you, and that’s now how we used to do it! Avoid refined foods like salt, agave, and oil, they drive people to overeat—get these all things from whole foods instead!

    And as far as the raw convenience foods—dried fruit or other foods—just don’t spend the money! If they aren’t there, you won’t be tempted. Tell yourself—it is not WHOLE food, it is processed. I deserve to spend the money on whole foods. If you need a treat, buy something pricey like an exotic fruit you love.

    The key word is aim—avoid foods that are tempting, knowing you will have still them sometimes and that is okay, not a failure. And that will help you control your weight and get you to your end goal.

  • I echo JoyceH. It may sound anal-retentive to weigh yourself everyday, but it really keeps you on track. It’s way too easy to let a 3-lb weight gain become a 5-lb, then a 10-lb., etc. I am 41, and it does get tougher to keep your weight down, but you are also wiser in how to do it. I don’t weigh myself everyday, but I always wear my “skinny” clothes. If they are feeling the slightest bit tight, then I know to limit my caloric intake. My favorite method of lowering my caloric intake is to eat a big lunch and a very light dinner so that I go to bed just slightly hungry. And, of course, I make sure to do a thorough morning workout on an empty stomach!

    Good luck – I think you are on the right track with limiting the dried fruit, seeds, nuts, dates, etc. These are dense foods that pack a lot of calories! Use your intuition – it won’t let you down!

  • DelphineDelphine Raw Newbie

    Hi chakra essence,
    For the first 11 years, I used to eat a lot of dried fruits & nuts as they were convenient yet, they are very rich so even though I was a professional athlete (5 hours training/day) it lead to weight gain & blood sugar imbalance. I agree with the suggestions mentioned above: green smoothies, fresh products & taking a break from these food (dates/sunflower) until your body rebalance itself for the best.
    We are all on the same journey, learning about rawfood continuously : )

  • I truly cannot believe how inspiring, supportive, enticing, and insightful each person has been!
    Also, I can’t thank everybody enough for all these great tips. I have been feeling a bit lethargic because of my naughty habits. It’s hard to just up and quit these tempting foods. (especially when people with a SAD say things along the lines of me either being insane for thinking those foods are bad for me, or just thinking I’m a liar about my diet because of my weight.)
    But, as you all have pointed out to me, I know I can do it! The scale idea is excellent. Adding more greens in the am, brilliant! Eating more hydrated/juicy foods, superb! Buying shelled nuts, not only a great idea, but they tend to taste better, too.
    I gave all my nuts, seeds, and dried fruit to my boyfriend last night. (he’s raw too, so he really appreciated it!!) A new begining is to come!!

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