weight gain?

is it possible to gain weight, even be overweight, on a raw diet? every raw person i’ve met is so thin and/or muscular. i haven’t lost much “weight” per say, but i’ve noticably lost fat. i’m just wondering about other people’s experiences.



  • It will take some time for your body to detox. Everything I’ve read about raw diets and weight loss say that weight loss will be minimal for the first little while, but after a period (a month.. two months? different sources give different time frames), you will drop alot of your “toxic” weight (e.g. all the fat you were storing). So don’t lose heart, it’ll come!
    ^^ Nora Lenz’s “raw journey” journal is a great resource

  • Any time you eat more than you expend calorie wise, you will put on a little. I know others who ate a lot of nuts and dried fruits when they started and put on weight because those foods are so nutrient dense that it’s hard to expend the same amount of energy. You will feel healthier however and even out.

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