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I would prefer onions that have not had their DNA altered. But the article is fascinating; it’s nice to learn new things about food.
I’ve noticed that when I’m wearing my contact lenses, onions don’t make me cry. I can still smell the onions, but maybe my lenses guard against the enzymes?
I agree with LionMouse, I like to eat foods as unaltered as possible, even though I’m sure most onions on the market have been cross pollinated to some degree.
On the bottom of the onion, where the roots come out, cut a cylinder type plug out from the bottom of the onion. Begin cutting about 1/8-1/4” away from the root, and cut in about 1-1/12” deep into the core of the onion. This cylinder in the bottom of the onion, that the root attaches to, will come out in one piece. It is what makes people cry when cutting the onion. If you cut this “plug” out of the onion first, you will not tear when cutting onions.
Wear goggles when cutting an onion.
I would like people to just leave the plants alone, but then again… there are alot of hybrid foods I like… I think?
but yea, sometimes I cry and sometimes I don’t..
I must sometimes accidentally cut it the right way.
Just wanted to see what raw fooders thought of the subject.
Its kind of like nothing is natural anymore.
Try Vidalia onions. They grow in Georgia. They’re sweeter because of the soil.
“gene-silencing” technology, what in the world!
also if you keep onions in the fridge, the cold keeps them from stinging your eyes. not sure how it works, but it does!
sweet vidalia onions never make me cry, they make me smile
Green onions don’t make me cry and I prefer them in raw dishes.
When produce is genetically altered it’s a bit of a red flag.
For me, a big part of being raw is enjoying live veggies and fruits in their most natural form.
I think I saw it on a Martha Stewart show, but by burning a candle nearby when cutting onions it helps to burn the sulfurs that cause you to cry! I’ve tried and and it does work, you just need it close enough to the source to be effective.