BroccoliSprouts & RootHair (mold?)

germin8germin8 Raw Master

We just sprouted our first batch of broccoli sprouts, and at the beginning of the third day, we noticed what looked like mold. Everywhere! ...where the root attaches to the seed. We also hadn’t rinsed them for 24 hours by that time. We were so disappointed, until we read where it says that people mistaken the root hairs for mold. So, we are continuing… but will be adding food-grade hydrogen peroxide just in case.

So, have you seen these root hairs… and would you say they look mold?


  • germin8germin8 Raw Master


  • Yep, I absolutely have! Not to worry! I rinse in the morning when I wake up and in the evening after dinner. Sometimes I forget but never went longer than 24 hours to rinse them, can get away with it in the wintertime when it’s chilly out. But when summer rolls around, will have to rinse 3x a day.

    By the way, make sure you rinse out the base every time as well!

  • Yeah!! A bunch a my sprouts were a little furry too!! When I rinsed it went away, so I kept on going. I just keep smelling them to make sure and I was still a little nervous. So glad to ehar it is normal and that I didn’t waste all those good sprouts! Thanks.

  • germin8germin8 Raw Master

    Thank you so much for your advice. I’m so glad we won’t be throwing away perfectly good living food.

    Posted later… we ate them… we’re fine! :o)

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