Ok,I’m high raw.For years now.Had to give up the green smoothie recentlydue to gettig cold after drinking it(talked about that on another forum) When I say high raw,I eat very simply,not a lot of fancy raw foods. I eat a lot of fermented veg.,huge saleads,avacado and fruits,seeds and nuts. yes I have had some veg. cooked food but that is pretty much an exception. I truely believe raw or unraw that vegetables and fruits in their pure natural sate are best. I detox,skin brush and oilpull on occasion. I tell you all of this because oh my I fell off my eating -I caved in,I ate cheese,not raw cheese but melted on pizza! The pizza was homemade on a rice crust but the cheeeeseeeee! and sauce in a jar,what now??
I’m kind of venting,laughing at myself for getting this upset but I know whats in store for tomorrw a bloated,fatigue yucky feeling and then of course how to completly rid myself of this mucus,disease formi garbage. Any thoughts?
Oh well, I do it so much, Just move on.:) tomorrows another day. Think of it as a one night stand, Don’t kiss and tell. just saver the taste of it. Foods like sex, if you think to much while your doing it, it doesn’t feel as good. Sometimes I really don’t want to know what everyone ate at there last meal, Be happy, smile, Let people try to figure out why your so beauitful. KJ
Thank-you,I agree but oh my,I think it’s the cheese. Almost better not to know about how certain foods hurt you.”ignoranec is bliss”,yes no,oh I’m not sure. no this will not destroy me but oh my,the cheese!
Now I have decided its time for my green smoothie fast. this time no frozen fruit.Thanks again kjdelicious,for your lovely words.
Gawd I liked your post kjdelicious,made me chuckle.Foods like sex….chuckles again.
geez you’ve been doing this for years! its no biggie! but it can be a slippery slope, so be careful not to fall off the wagon too far.
Don’t worry about it…life moves on, you had that experience and now it’s over! Much love…
Thank-you for all of the rsponces. I was being rather silly but I really do feel that way about cheese.
Today: 2 large yummy bright green smoothies!!!! and I’m making tacos for dinner.
It sounds like social eating to me. That particular situation won’t come up that often, so enjoy the good time you had tonight and consider the price of the ticket tommorrow!
Social eating at homeBut yes sat. night and all. I did enjoy myself and everthing is fine. I think I helped my digestion along because I added an enzyme before eating and drank a small cup of tea before bed.
Funny thing,I was thinking being raw or non raw we all have moments when we say,oh my I really shouln’t have had that. I really was more worried about the bloating and stomach distress from the cheese. I am fine though.