How long does detox last?

I am like 4ish days into this. I am feeling hella lethargic and have a kind of come-and-go headache.

How much longer will I have to deal with this until I start to feel normal again?


  • Hun, I felt like that too. Dats normal. Try for a blog on how you might feel on a day to day basis. The info is all out there. Just google raw food and see what you come up with…which raw fooders might inspire you the most…I think this question has been asked abit on previous topics so check out all the old ones. I did lots of research on the net first…and there are loads of books too.

  • Ps. the lethargy and lack of willpower or interest in anything lastest for me about 2 weeks…and then bits of the magic (or nature!) started. x

  • i felt weird for 3-4 days! it’s worth it.
    i’m on my 23rd day and i have to say that i feel wonderful!

  • There is also a very comprehensive blog done by Steve Pavlina, I don’t have the exact web address but you can go here… ,this was his blog on day 18. From here you can go backwards and foward. He did a 30 day raw food challenge and said it took 2 weeks for his energy levels to even out. I personally have not been able to go a whole week yet at 100% raw – the detox period has been really tough to get through. I was falling asleep at work, in my chair, at times I felt like I had been drugged – not very professional at all. I keep trying though. Good luck to you.

  • i began my raw food journey with a 10 day master cleanse fast so now i don’t feel like i’m really detoxing very much. i suggest this method, personally

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