toddler and nuts?


Just curious if any of you other raw mamas and papas put a cap on the amount of nuts your toddlers eat? I have 21 month old and he just seems to want to eat a lot of them, but not sure if that is too heavy for his digestion.



  • I think it’s good to balance out the diet as much as possible. So not 100% nuts, but incorporating them in with fresh fruits and veggies. Lately I like to do 25% nuts, 25% fruits, 25% veggies, 25% seeds. It’s an estimate but I try to base it on that. If I eat too much nuts it is too heavy. Here are some things my 2-1/2 year old loves: avocado, tomatoes, broccoli (yes it’s true!), raisins, carrot sticks, blueberries, bananas, strawberries.
    My 10 month old will eat anything I eat so I kind of just share with her whatever I’m eating. A few times I had baby food jars and tried to feed her those, but she threw a fit b/c she wanted was I was eating – fresh, raw, yummy food! I wish I started out life eating raw! We’re lucky we have the knowledge we can introduce out little ones to such healthy eating.
    Are you giving him plain nuts or pates, or how are you feeding it to him?

  • TomsMomTomsMom Raw Newbie

    Do you have any idea of how impressive it is to see someone NOT throw a handful of Cheerios on their baby’s tray?? I’ve wept over seeing mothers do that since I was a teenager. I know I didn’t answer your question, but it’s just that I had to say you ladies are awesome mothers!! OOXX

  • greenridge: I also have 2 toddlers and am trying to feed them as much raw food as possible. do you have any good recipes? They eat a lot of fresh fruit, but veggies are the tricky part. If I cook broccoli, peas, corn, green beans, etc. they will usually eat, but raw is another story…although my 3 yr old son does like salads.

    As far as nuts go, my ped says no nuts until 2 due to the risk of allergy. We don’t have any allergies in the family, so I try to limit the nuts my 21 month old eats…but its hard when she sees her brother eating it. And they LOVE almond milk. Even though nuts have lots of great benefits, they are high in fat and very filling, so I would definitely set a limit. Only you can decide based on your individual experience.

  • TomsMomTomsMom Raw Newbie

    I think it’s peanuts that pose the danger, which are actually legumes. Though a lot of places that process real nuts also process peanuts, and that’s where the contamination comes in.

  • Thanks for the replies and info. It is always interesting to know what others are doing with the little people in their lives.

    GREENRIDGE: He usually likes to just eat the nut as is – favs are pistacio, pecans or macademia. He’ll sometime go for pates, but I don’t tend to make too many and he always has nut milk of some kind in the morning with a banana.

    I think he would happily be a fruitarian, but he does eat some veg here and there depending on his teething situation, which makes him go all funny with food.

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