Bad cravings today

SarahJSarahJ Raw Newbie

For the past 2 days, I have craved salty food – cheese, potato chips, crackers. Then today, if I didn’t have a tuna sandwich, I thought I just wouldn’t make it through the day.

I know that cravings are my body lacking something but can anyone give me some insight into the root of these particular cravings. Even if this is cyclical, I would like to be able to get a handle on it for next month.



  • This happens to me a lot – I don’t have any real answers but I can tell you that your not alone. Usually when I start craving processed snacks and sweets it’s becasue my body is actually hungry – eventhough I don’t feel actual hunger, I just feel like snacking. Usually, if I have an actual meal the cravings go away. I found this out because no matter how much I snacked I would continue until I ate something of substance. I don’t know if this helps – but this is the only experience I have.

  • SarahJSarahJ Raw Newbie

    Thanks Junebelle. I do find that a smoothie goes a long way but don’t generally carry them in my lunch. Maybe I should start.

  • ZoeZoe Raw Newbie

    You crave whatever is in your bloodstream, so when you’re detoxing last year’s tuna sandwich debris, which is stored in your body fat you may well crave it.

    Also cravings for salty things may indicate a need for more leafy greens. My husband takes screw top big jars full of green smoothie to work with him, if you can get over the weird looks from others it will balance you right out.

    Are you eating enough salt? I know many people hate salt, but your body does need it. Make sure it’s raw ;)

  • SarahJSarahJ Raw Newbie

    Thanks Zoe. I’m probably not getting any salt so should maybe look at adding a little bit to my diet. Thanks for the help. I can work through it if I know it’s going to get better.

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