Raw food for a sick friend

I have two friends – one just recovering from a mascetomy, and one who just gave birth. I am going to bring them both some food to help with their family and was wondering if anyone has any good ideas of what I could bring. They are both SAD eaters, but I think they would be open to a raw meal.


  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    I don’t know about dinner, but my suggestion is to give them a good dessert – poemomm’s “bumbleberry pie” or my “chocolate raspberry ice cream/pie filling” with my “pie crust” are good choices. Most people are fine with veggies, salads, etc. if they don’t feel deprived, and a good dessert goes a long way toward helping people learn to eat healthy. It is where I am making progress with some of my family ;)

  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    Ok, I just tried raw musician’s “alfredo sauce mmmmm!” -search recipes under alfredo & you should find it. WOW!!!!! I wanted to run some right over to my friend’s house because he is afraid that raw foods won’t taste good enough!

  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    Just kidding! It’s “Creamy Alfredo Pasta Mmmmmmmmm” (I don’t know how many m’s). It has a little of a different aftertaste, which I attribute to the lime, but it is so good that I ate two zucchinis’ worth last night and another one today, and I need to buy more zucchini. :)

  • I think if you are bringing raw food to friends who are SAD eaters but are also struggling with health and well being I would make sure i brought a big salad of your choice with a good dressing, a yummy dessert as mentioned but also bring a couple of simple dips with veg. i think people like to experiment when it is small like an appetizer.Just a thought. Hope you find the right thing to bring.

    Oh I have had good results with mock salmon pate and veggies for dipping.You could also add an organic seeded (non raw cracker) for dipping so the trasition is a bit easier.Good luck!

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