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sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, chia seeds, walnuts as well
hmm, i can’t help but being disturbed by his reaction …
thanks, redhouse, i know. you both just said all the stuff i just told him. thank you both for the back up.
i can never understand why people think raw food means only greens…
i think ive read people say coconut oil to help minimize some temporary hair loss that happens when some start raw .
ide suggest going to (once there click on 30 day challenge to get to forums) and searching archives if want any more quick answers .
I agree kathrynintheraw….there is much more to eating raw than just green “salads”.
What are other additions to your diets here that could help,I’m sure it has been mentioned on many other forums… maybe what is the most important addition other than greens on a reg. basis to your diet?
it’s interesting to know that most allopathic doctors get little to no nutrition education in medical school.
not saying that we know more than doctors, but rather that doctors don’t know all that much either.
I definately agree! Check out the forum I posted about the recent experiece with my family doctor
By the way, what’s an allopathic doctor? Is it the same as medical doctors? :S
Also, hemp seeds are also good a good source!
allopathic = conventional medicine. heavy on the cutting and the drugging.
agreed with skizzy…’traditional’ doctors aren’t trained to cure people with natural remedies. he doesn’t know what he’s talking about!
Hair or skin loss? I haven’ lost even one…what’s the concensus here on hair loss?
hahaha… skin falling off? That was creative :-) I have not lost any hair or skin.
I think yor skin and hair will be much more beautiful on raw diet!
I did have a friend whose hair fell out on a fat-free diet, but between hempseed/oil and all of the other suggestions you should be all set. Maybe you can give him the link for this site and he can check out all of the gorgeous hair and skin of the members.