thanks for hypo info

Wow…great feedback, feel grateful that I found this site. Well, I am eating kelp, and taking supplements by the hundreds!!!! OK, slight exaggeration….but I couldn’t take anything I am not already taking. I am not doing the hot to cold water thing however. I will have to find courage to turn that hot water off for even a second…..BUT for the cause….I will do it. I also excursus once a day for an hour. One thing though. I am eating kelp and that IS very salty..and it was mentioned that salt makes hands and feet cold?? I don’t even buy salt however…it is not present in the staples I buy. Does anyone have a suggestion about what to replace apple cider vinegar with. I am so sorry all of these topics sound quite petty! I am just doing a balancing act and want to get it right so that I am comfortable and feel good and will stick with this…......because, my “head” feels so much better since I have started this diet. Before, with my lack of thyroid problems, I would see double half the time, brain fog was so bad, I couldn’t even think straight, eye hand coordination was a mess..on and on and now all of that is gone!!!!! So…I want to stick to this. it true that the 3 month mark is the most difficult, and once you pass that, your body deals with the new elements you are forcing onto it in a more productive way and you don’t crave foods and feel uncomfortable physically any longer???? Thanks again for al the good advice. Later!


  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    I don’t know about the salt thing, but the salty sea vegetables are not in the same category as salt. We need organic sodium that is found in sea vegetables, tomatoes, celery, etc. I also just read about the shower thing, & I have a weak immune system, but I don’t know how the cold shower for 30 seconds will work out. Good luck to us both! ;) I don’t know about the 3 month thing; I have been transitioning so slowly! I have read (& it seems true for me) that as you fill your body with the minerals it has been lacking, things will start to balance and you will feel more satisfied and less hungry. For me, the key to this has been to go at my own pace and allow myself to eat whatever my body needs/wants even if no one else says it is a good idea – I had to become willing to eat what my body wanted, then I prayed for weeks that I would like what was good for me, and after a little while I was finding that I was craving the foods that had the nutrients my body was low on! I learned to offer my body lots of different choices (by becoming familiar with all different kinds of raw foods) and then let it choose. Good luck!

    Edit: I just saw your ? about apple cider vinegar. I like to use lemon juice most of the time instead of the vinegar. Not exactly the same, but close enough for me because they are both acidic flavorings & you can sweeten it a tiny bit if you need to.

  • Hey Angie, Interesting about the organic sea salt in kelp vs table salt. Good to know. I think your right about giving your body things once in a while. I haven’t had caffeine or chocolate since the begining and have been trying to find raw carob powder that won’t break the bank because of shipping prices ( I live in Maine and there isn’t one store..even in portland..that I have found anywhere, that carries it) and today I had a coffee and it’s funny, it warmed me up right away. It didn’t feel bad or give me a high and then a down. This doesn’t mean that I am going to drink coffee again every day…but once in a while won’t do harm…...and sometimes I eat raw goats cheese…..I haven’t done red meat or dairy for 15 years that part is easy for me. But I love brown rice and salmon and soup and hot stuff in general..that’s the hard part! And I use lemon juice too….it just doesn’t have the same pazaz! Good luck to you too on the cold shower! I’ll let you know. Thanks for the insights again. How long have you been a raw vegan??

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