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Sorry, I’m down in Tacoma :-(
We’re actually in Portland – not too far away from you!
I know there’s a local market in Kenmore on Bothell-Everett Hwy, which turns into Lake City Way. Would this be somewhat close to you? If so, I’ll get the name of the market for you.
Hey Kandace. I will be coming out to Portland for business and pleasure in June. I have been to Blooming Lotus, which i love, but i would like to know about other places as well. When i was there a couple of years ago, Blooming Lotus was the only place i could find. Any suggestions?
I’m just across the border in Canada… I wished I was closer.
My sister lives right behind the Fred Meyer in Greenwood, (85th and Greenwood-ish) and directly next to it there is a Greenwood Market, which she likes very much. She’s told me that she gets great deals there.
I teach raw classes for PCC, so I’m a bit bias-ed towards them. I find that they’re less expensive than other organics-focused stores. They’ve also started carrying the raw bars and pie desserts that we make at the cafe I work for in their deli sections!
Have you checked out the fruit and veggie stand near 65th and Roosevelt? I know it’s not organic, but I’ve been told they are locally owned and have great prices.
Also, just outside of the Portland area my boyfriend and I recently hit up “Proper Eats” who had a small selection of raw dishes available. It was a funky place with a stage and a small market with a small selection of produce and products. It’s in St, Johns, I believe!
i’m new to portland and i just joined the raw food meet up group:
have you ever been to a meetup? i’m going to my first one next tuesday at blossoming lotus.
x ami
I went to a nearby coffee shop and asked them this same question. They suggested greenwood market! Very close by. There is also a market called ken’s market but people say it’s too expensive.
Hiho rosie please do give me that address. by the way, my name is rosie. :)
starrie, i will be sure to check out that stand. 65th and roosevelt you say??
Hey Rosie! :)
Here you go:… ....the market is technically in Bothell not Kenmore but Lake City Way/Bothell-Everett Hwy/Bothell Way are the same stretch of road; this might be too much of a drive for you just to go to a market. ??? If you do decide to go any time soon, you might want to call them first to see if they’re open.…
I was going to suggest the PCC too! I like that store a lot!! I’ve never stepped foot into a whole foods before, so I don’t know the difference. I’m in sultan, so I won’t drive to the pcc. I only go there if I happen to be in the area.
PCC Greenlake is the closest one to you, justbeautiful.
Madison Market on Capitol Hill isn’t too expensive, either.
Also, check out the farmer’s markets in the area. There’s one at the Phinney Ridge Community Center. Not sure if there is one for Lake City. Also, the U District Farmer’s Market is open year round. However, it off season right now, so it’s slim pickings!
i am in seattle, and there is a market stand in greenlake…i forgot what it is called…but i think starrrie said it above, its 65th and roosevelt..they have cheap produce.. thats the best bet..there is also the ballard farmers market on sunday you could go to too. I have found trader joes to be helpful for some of the organic fruits and veggies.