Hello all, My name is Katy (suprise!) and I’m not so new to the raw scene – went 100% raw overnight almost last August, stuck with it till around December time where I feel off the wagon a little…. Keep getting back on the 100% wagon but then falling off slightly and going down to maybe 50%.... I did however keep the raw mentality which I’m glad about… Back on the 100% wagon as of Monday – feeling good! :-) Anyway I’ve been viewing this website a while (I did actually register some time ago but I seem to have forgotten all my log on details – oops!) and find it such a fantastic resource! :-) Love and Hugs
P.S I live in Huddersfield, West Yorkshire, UK.
Hi :)
Hello Angie! :-) I was reading the posts about your son when you posted them – well done – hope you’re keeping up the good work! x
Hey Katy :) Welcome back to raw ;)
I love the names! I’m going to have to change to something much more fun—maybe Joyous Fig! Welcome, SunshineKaty, you sound like me—raw for 2 years, but have fallen off twice for longer periods to about 50% raw. I know there’s no other way for me to eat now. I’ve been 99.5% (1/2C coffee in am) for a week now. Thanks to this site, i have learned so much and received so much support. My family and friends are all cooked so having the support from everyone here has been a missing link for me.
Katy – Thanks! I’ve been really overwhelmed with making huge changes for myself & reading a ton the last few days, so I haven’t been doing great at offering my son raw choices, but I have been doing really at keeping him mostly vegetarian, & I just read your post when he was asking about what he could have for dinner, so it motivated me to take some extra time to help him, & he was totally satisfied & happy with his raw dinner! :)