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Petition to stop Canada's Seal Hunts

JoyceHJoyceH Raw Newbie

I received this email and I signed the petition and sent a letter to Canada’s Minister of International Trade. It’s terrible and heart breaking that this stuff still goes on today



Please sign these. It only takes a minute or two…..


  • jenergyjenergy Raw Newbie

    Signed it. Oooh, that breaks my heart. Couldn’t watch the video.

  • Raw_ChocoholicRaw_Chocoholic Raw Newbie

    I don’t think I can watch the video either. I helped rehabilitate orphan seal pups one summer, and they are even cuter in person. How can anyone hurt a seal pup? That reminds me, I remember reading about a country/island (don’t quite remember) which was tested for having the highest levels of mercury per person and every year they have an annual pilot whale killing festival that people actually go to as if it’s a fair or something. It really makes you wonder what the world would be like if most of us weren’t so toxic.

  • JoyceHJoyceH Raw Newbie

    I could’t watch the video either. The last time I watched a video from the Humane Society webiste, I was sick and shaky for the entire day. I can’t really handle those videos. They are incredibly sad and horrible. But I know it’s important that the HS goes out and films them!

  • I signed them, too. I couldn’t subject myself to the video. I’ll never understand this kind of ghastly, useless cruelty.

  • I signed it. I didn’t watch the video though. I hate seeing poor innocent creatures begging for their lives. it brings me to tears everytime.

  • Luna bluLuna blu Raw Newbie

    I have tried to sign it, but it is telling me I haven’t submitted an e-mail. I don’t get it. What am I doing wrong?

  • Luna bluLuna blu Raw Newbie

    Wait a minute, Are they not letting me sign this unless i give them the e-mail addresses of 5 friends? My voice means nothing unless I have freinds? I do, but it’s called the privacy act. I don’t know if I want to give out the e-mail addresses of freinds!

  • Luna bluLuna blu Raw Newbie

    Ok, I signed it. Gave them my moms e-mail and then had to e-mail and warn her NOT to watch the video. I didn’t watch the video either. I have seen that crap before. These creatures are so docile. It’s like walking up to a litter of kittens and beating them to death! The kittens are probably less defensless then baby seals. How can these barbarians live with themselves after they do what they do?!!

    One more thing, if I was a HS camera person, I would beat those creeps with my camera!

  • jenergyjenergy Raw Newbie

    Me too, Luna! Right after I threw up.

  • I couldn’t even read the whole article… It’s a shame that things like this exist. If we didn’t live in such a materialistic society everything would be better, and I truly mean everything.

    (btw signed it)

  • Luna bluLuna blu Raw Newbie

    Only 7 of us signed this? This breaks my heart. I thougt out of over 4000 of us, more would sign!

  • waterbaby12347waterbaby12347 Raw Newbie

    Ok, Finally I found it and signed it!!!

  • I clicked the top link and got Joyce Holsten’s name, her message, and email address. What’s up with that?

    Luna, you should post this in every forum section to get people’s attention!!

  • Please everyone, won’t you sign this? If you have already, please say so because it means alot!! :)

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