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I’d suggest juices and sprouts. I’m such a sucker for premade juices and sprouts, and if they could possibly be organic that would probably make for a good selling point too.
Hi Krystale, I have thought of doing this too. A couple of ideas are raw soups (nice for the summer), wraps in collard leaves, beautiful salads with yummy raw dressings(hell you could even just sell just the dressing), veggie sandwiches, falafel, sushi, stuffed peppers, grawnola, sprouted quinoa salad, guacamole and raw corn chips, salsa, flax crackers, raw breads(these also could be marketed as gluten free which a lot of people are looking for) Everybody loves the tuna wraps from James the raw. Stuffed dates, raw chocolate desserts. These are all things I would buy and most of these would hold up fairly well. I also liked those flax crackers and dehydrated raw hummus they were selling at the Raw Spirit Festival. You could try something like that as it’s not too perishable. Hope this helps..Take Care, Jen
People will buy raw bread and crackers with cheeze. Burgers, and cakes and cookies. The dehydrated foods will make you money, it is the cheapest to make and they’ve got the longest shelf life, and in my experience it is what people want. It would be a good idea to make stuff that people can snack on while they shop. I would make a huge gorgeous cake and sell slices, and do raw burgers/tacos/wraps. If you have a power outlet you could do frozen banana ice cream using a Champion. That would be a good earner, you could sell tubs of it freshly made, and they’d watch you make it which would gather a crowd I’m sure.
Raw chocolate sells well over here, check out this uk website for ideas, she does amazing cakes and lots of different snacks etc, I think they have a very successful business.
Make sure you ask people for feedback, and try stuff out on honest friends. It really helps when you’re trying to work out a menu.
You could get a leaflet printed to give out telling people the benefits of raw and all about it, everyone will be asking you the same questions, handing out a leaflet is a great way to deal with that, and then you can put your contact info on it. Have you considered doing raw food classes? It would be too good an opportunity to miss, especially as people are going to be introduced to raw food through you, they will want you to show them how to make your lovely food.
Good Luck, you must be really excited!I think people would be more apt to sample/purchase your stuff if it is low cal (yuck). Maybe some zuchinni/summer squash pastas, an acorn squash “rice” dish—stuff that can be sold in small containers and resembles cooked recipes that people are comfortable with.
I think for broad appeal, people like things that are low calorie and low fat—don’t let them in the nutrient or caloric density thing, that’s the opposite of what people want to hear. Shhhhhhhhhh!
even if you did dried fruit.. apple slices, strawberry slices, pineapple, papaya ect..maybe dried spices if you grow herbs.. or i’ve even seen things that are like dehydrated sauces that have recipes with them..
This has all been awesome input. Access to an outlet is not reliable, I am told. My plans so far include some raw crackers and chips and dehydrated cookies. Soups are a brilliant idea I’d totally forgotten about. I’d planned that when I signed onto the waiting list, but the lack of plug changed that. Raw switches that back. Awesome. I’m still trying to wrap my head around the dehydrated soup mixes. That sounds awesome Cherie03. Any recipe suggestions for that?
My husband (the meat and potatos man) has Alissa Cohen’s certification. It interested me more, but as he’s not self employed and works in kitchens, his name needed it more than mine. Selling food at the farmers market was NOT my idea. I was urged into it by people who eat my food.
Here in VT raw is taking off big. Due to the ruralness of the whole dang state some of my stuff will be mostly raw, or questionably raw. Raw dried coconut and raw caco butter just aren’t here. I’ll be using what I can. Raw nuts, between my 3 co-op radius are available in great quantity, so some soaked seasoned and dehydrated raw nut mix might be an easy high end item.
My other pondering is raw meets bento. Raw bentos sound so good to me. That would take some future planning, but with careful planning could be something I bring frozen that would be a take home and freeze or carry it and let it thaw for dinner option.
I’m just so excited and overwhelmed in the best possible way. I only know one raw girl round here, so here seemed the best place to get educated opinions on raw.
raw bentos sound SO SO great. i’m not sure if i’m the typical audience, since i make my own crackers, but if i were going to buy something pre-made i’d want it to me something i wouldn’t have thought of myself and that that REALLY pretty. something to treat myself to.
good luck!