Non sweet breakfasts...

Hi all, wonder if anyone can help…. I think I may be having candida issues so I’m trying to cut back on fruits/sugars for a while. Which is fine (at the moment – it’s only been 1 day lol) however I always used to have fruit for breakfast – either just chopped up in a dish, or in the form of a green smoothie… I’ve been reading up about candida and all the suggested dietry changes and I can’t seem to come up with anything good for breakfast. Whilst I don’t mind not being 100% raw I’d like to be as raw as possible. Your help and suggestions would be really appreciated!



  • ani phyo’s scrambles? look her up on you tube, she makes a raw version of scrambled eggs (sunflower seed & almond base) which she mixes up with various things.

  • Ohh yeah I remember seeing that, I’ll have another look – thanks mandelicious!

    Forgot to mention, I’m not so hot on nut mylks – to me they just seem like too much faffing and work out quite expensive here in the u.k!

  • well, but if you use the pulp, it doesn’t end up so expensive…

  • pianissimapianissima Raw Newbie

    how about a green juice with lemon and ginger? celery and cucumber is my fave. (a little jalepeno is pretty cool as a kick to your morning as well)

  • WinonaWinona Raw Newbie

    soak oats 14 hours, blend in high speed blender with various things (banana, apple, raisins, cinnamon, etc)

  • snoopy99snoopy99 Raw Newbie

    how do you know if you have candida? are there physical symptoms you notice? just wondering..because i get bloated when i eat too much fruit..and everyone always asks me if i have candida…but i have no idea

  • Hi Snoopy, I started off with what I thought was cystitis but it didn’t seem to be responding to treatment like it has in the past so I looked into Candida – I searched the forums on this website quite a lot and found some good websites – one of them being, and a few of the other symptoms seemed to match up to how I’ve been feeling the last few days – lots of bloating, water retention, major bread and sweet cravings (and I don’t even really like breads) and a few of the other ones…. I also did the spit test (just search candida spit test into google) and that came out that I could have Candida issues….. I don’t know whether I do have it or not, but I figure I’m not going to do myself any harm by trying to treat it – the best treatment seems to be not eating refined sugars or bread etc (which isn’t an issue for me) and no fruits etc (which is slightly more upsetting!) and I’m taking some herbal supplements. However it’s going good so far, the bloating seems to be going down slightly and I feel a bit better in myself…. My only struggle is breakfast!!!

    Pianissima – I might try a green juice tomorrow, slightly dubious as to whether it will fill me up or not but I’m prepared to give it a try… thanks :-)

    Winona – good suggeston about the oats but I don’t have any raw ones at the moment… also the websites seem to suggest not eating oats – but again I don’t know until I try… Thanks!

  • snoopy99snoopy99 Raw Newbie

    hmmm…thanks! i will look into that, becuase i have noticed, since trying to go raw, i have retained much more water, and get bloated from fruit…

    my friend had candida, but she told me that there were more physical symptoms, like spots in the back of your throat or tongue that would be considered candida..

  • Hmmm they can be a symptom but there are lots of other ones…. have a look at the websites – hope it helps you x

  • snoopy99snoopy99 Raw Newbie

    here is a link to we like it raw on candida…thanks for the help…i am goign to do the spit test…overall, ever since starting raw, and eating more fruits, i have been much more bloated…so can’t wait til morning to try this out…

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