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Oh my goodness, I so glad you said something about flexibility. I wasn’t able to touch my toes completely but after being raw I’m able to touch the ground with almost my whole palm touching the floor. I wasn’t able to do that before. I didn’t know if it was me being raw or if I was just getting more flexible because I played basketball. Wow, it’s amazing what our bodies can do when we feed it right.
I think I found out why we are more flexible.
Clean joints (free of salty deposits) have a wider range of motion, better flexibility, and do not react to weather changes.
So when we are detoxing, our body is cleaning the joints.
I got the information from this site.
Kooliedad, thanks for the info I checked out that link, that makes sense.
I had an intense detox reaction while working out today, I did my 50 mins on the spin bike (10 min warm up, 10 jumps, 10 running, 10 climbing a mountain and then 10 cool down) when I got off the bike I did my arms biceps and triceps with free weights. Once on the triceps I got severely nauseated and a hot wave went thru my body, then I got a tingly sensation in my hips and shoulders and then it passed. I had to go lay down. 5 mins later I felt amazing. I think some toxins were moved around and will leave my body. Anyway the exercising is speeding the healing and I am totally stoked! Yay raw life rules… :) blessings, deasmiles.