termites in my garden

angie207angie207 Raw Master

I think I have finally realized that what is growing in my garden may be a massive amount of termites? There was a bunch of ground-up wood with other stuff that got spread on the garden 2 years ago, last year I saw lots of “ants” and tons of eggs, and now that the area is freshly tilled, there are a ton of little flying things – baby termites? I haven’t planted yet, but I am planning to do so this week. Does anyone have any suggestions as to what to do about my little friends?


  • TomsMomTomsMom Raw Newbie

    Eeek, at the risk of having my head snapped off again by someone for daring to mention violence to an insect, have you tried looking up organic/natural farming methods, angie? I found some sites like this one(I haven’t joined and didn’t read the database yet) http://www.invisiblegardener.com/

  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    Oh, brother! I don’t like to harm living creatures needlessly, but the termites are invading my house, too. I want to know how to not get my house eaten… Drive them away, or whatever, but I’d rather kill a few insects (if there’s not another option) than to have to buy a new house. Sorry if that is offensive to anyone; I’m sure we all do things that offend someone sometime in our lives, and it is purely unintentional. :) Thanks, Alix

  • TomsMomTomsMom Raw Newbie

    I’m the same way, angie! I hope that site helped, or if not, I’m sure there are tons of help and advice online. I’m sorry no one else has answered you yet, and really sorry I’m so dense with growing things:(

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