irish moss recipe

I recently went to Cafe Gratitude in San Francisco and had the Lemon Merengue pie made with irish moss and it was devine. I’m wondering if anyone knows of a recipe for this or something similar. I can’t remember what the crust was made of.


  • cskinner,

    I can’t answer your question but I went to Cafe Gratitude last month while visiting a friend in San Francisco, isn’t it fabulous?!

  • Hi cskinner,

    I love Cafe Gratitude. They have recently published a cookbook with the recipes, including the lemon merengue pie. I also recently took their dessert class, which I highly recommend as you get tips which ultimately save time. It was fun. Also look for Irish Moss on the website


  • ZoeZoe Raw Newbie

    Hey clarissa you missed out an ‘e’ on that link, here it is: purejoyplantet Can’t find the Irish Moss recipe but I am very curious about it

  • Clarissa,

    That’s great – thanks. I will definitely buy the cookbook then and thanks for the Irish Moss resource. I can’t wait to try it out.

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