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Oh! This is something I’ve been considering as well. I am hoping to become a massage therapist in order to help put me through further schooling. The one school I’ve been considering is Cortiva Institute. You could check out their website at They seem really reputable. I’m not certain of how much it costs to attend, some thing gives me the feeling that it will be more on the expensive side, but they seem like a very good quality school. Then there’s places like Everest. And you could check out your local community college for possible programs they offer, as well.
look for a program that has enough hours of training to get you started in a number of areas. In CA, the hours required changed from city to city, and I ended up choosing a school that left me a bit limited at first. If there is national ceritficate training, look into it, because that’s where the education requirements are heading. oh, and from everything I’ve heard from coworkers, you may want to avoid schools that advertise on daytime tv.
To become a Hollistic Health Practitioner, try I’m gonna be doing the Master Herbalist program soon.
I have been looking for information on this very thing! I am considering doing this too. I need to get into a new career!
I would really appreciate hearing from members who are or were massage therapist so I can hear what it is really like – day to day.
I used to be a hairdresser so I am familiar with working with the public on a “touchy” level but I have had some carpal tunnel problems in the past and I am wondering if I would be able to even do an hour massage on someone?
Also, how is the money in general? I read some stories online that some people are having difficulty supporting themselves with this sort of career and some say it is great money.
There is a good school not to far from me and I am considering going in for the “consulation” I think they do one to see if you would be a good therapist or not.
queenfluff, you will learn ways to keep your wrists and hands in good shape through proper techniques. The money changes during the year. It’s slow during the holidays, and picks up later.
Queenfluff – Am not currently practicing, the last time I did was for a Spa in 06. I wont be doing that again.
I think if you can work for yourself, or find yourself a good, fair (& fair paying) boss that you work for then thats great. I wouldnt do it again until I could work for myself, a plan for the future.
Its great, rewarding, spiritual, tiring and can be emotionally draining. Make sure you can practice protection well and dont take on others energy in a way that can be detrimental to yourself.
You say you were a hairdresser so you’ll know what I mean by that I imagine (I started out as a beauty therapist).
I dont want to sound negative, just being honest about some of my experiences, however, the power of touch is amazing. Go for it.
Its great, rewarding, spiritual, tiring and can be emotionally draining. Make sure you can practice protection well and dont take on others energy in a way that can be detrimental to yourself.
I’m a swedish massage practitioner, it’s all there, nothing to add.