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I’ve been practically living on hummus lately. Every vegetable is more interesting if you have something to dip it in.
See the “real hummus” recipe on this site.
Curry salad : curry sauce – pine nuts, water, ginger, special blend curry powder, garam masala, salt…poured over green apples, spinach, alfalfa and onion sprouts, basil and red pepper. Heavenly.
The recipe for the sauce is here
Sprouted salads: a lot of sprouts and anything else (greens, tomato, avocado…) with olive oil.
Zoe!!! Send me that curry by urgent mail please!!!
How about a nice dark green kale apple and cellery juice.
I have this every day sometimes i use cucmber instead of cellery, but celley and apple is probably nicer to drink and is sweeter.
I take about half a big head of celery, and 3 big apples or 4-5 small apples, I juice these that makes anout a pint of juice then i put the juice into a blender and add SLOWLY 400grams of washed kale a bit at a time making sure its all blended well and i also put the blender on full speed for about 20secs at the end.
Then i put this through a fine sieve, a bit at a time and with a spoon push all the juice out of the pulp through the sieve.
This makes about a 1 and 3/4 pints of dark green juice.
Very refreshing, satisfying and very very good for you.
salad (with kale) is my favorite. with a vinaigrette (lemon and olive oil is great! or i’ve recently discovered just tomato and celery blended with a little water), tomatoes, chopped celery. jicama sticks are the best!
i’ve been eating a lot of fresh, no fuss fruits and veggies lately. if you’ve never tried carefully undressing a head of romaine, or, eating spinach leaves one by one, i HIGHLY encourage it. being raw has really improved my taste buds and there is such a sweet richness to those greens.
kale-apple-celery juice sounds great! I never thought of making this.
yay! thanks everyone. i need to get some brocoli, alfalfa, and other brassica seeds to sprout. theyre not expensive and yield A LOT. and dipping different vegetables in hummus sounds awesome too
A smoothie is such a staple for me making it different every time. Usually some chocolate in there too and now the wild foods are abundant here, nettles and dandelions.
And then it would be a salad with a creamy pine nut dressing like Zoe’s and maybe a little flax bread if I get really hungry.
Been making a bread out of just flax and courguette (zucchini) it is the best thing in the world!!
Half blended salad- lettuce, avocado, tomatos, bell peppers, green onions, basil… Whatever I have and in the mood for, in the food processor, pulsed a bit until nicely mushed (not blended) and then add a little lemon juice, maybe sea salt and a little olive oil… That’s it!
I used to be a big salad guy, but now that’s kind of waning and I’m loving wraps/burritos. My favorite one is my spring! time wrap , but I’ve just been experimenting everyday with different types of mixes for the filling and different vegetables for wraps (cabbage, lettuce, collard green). They are really easy to make, and easily portable (put the mix in one container and the wraps in another). Plus, people I’m with always find wraps more interesting and fun then a salad.
Zucchini fettucini noodles with a spinach sauce made out of a cup of compressed and chopped spinach, an avocado and some sea salt and ACV. I also like ‘massaged’ spinach salads with chopped avocado and tomato, and I LOVE eating mushrooms straight out of the package, or blended into a soup, or in a salad.
for my lunches I have a big salad with greens and sprouts with a sesame/cider vinegar dressing. then i will have crackers with 1/2 avocado on the side. another good one is a collard wrap or two with pate and veggies inside. i have also eaten a sandwich with a napa leaf as the bread.