
roxiroxi Raw Newbie

Is it just me or do cashews loose their lovely taste after soaking them? They always taste so bland after I soak them….


  • Hi Roxi, Sorry I don’t know the answer to your question. I’m sort-of a newbie with raw food (I say sort-of because it’s only been about 6 months for me) and I haven’t tried to soak cashews yet. BUT I’m wondering the same thing you are. I want to try the Lemon cookie recipe that calls for soaked cashews, but if they do lose flavor from soaking I might try to make them without soaking (or just decrease the soak time to 1/2)....
    Hopefully more feedback will appear! :)

  • ZoeZoe Raw Newbie

    Not sure if you are using just regular ones from your health food shop or the truly raw ones you can get online.

    Try using really raw ones from raw food websites. The ones in the shop even when sold “raw” have been steamed or boiled to get the shell off. The really raw ones are hand shelled or something and they are very expensive. I use a mix of pine nuts and sunflower seeds as a substitute, haven’t had cashews for about 3 years now.

    For more party pooping (sorry!) Foods that say they are raw when they aren’t, check out The Dead Food List

  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    Zoe – I don’t know why people say the really raw cashews are so expensive & use pine nuts instead? I paid $15 per pound for the cashews I ordered online, and $13.50 or so per pound for pine nuts here at the health food store (and those were the cheap pine nuts from the bulk section – the ones in the bag were around $12 for a half-pound). I guess prices are different other places?...SIGH…

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