need a comprehensive food combining resource

hey everyone…thanks to those who replied to my other post by the way, didn’t feel like bumping it up but basically, someone very close to me who has been very ill died today and I don’t feel like now is the time to deal with trying to increase calories against my will and what not.

in fact, I have been eating not amazingly this past week due to the stress from previously mentioned person’s condition. in short, I read about something called gastroparesis and I don’t know why none of my doctors ever suggested this but I really think I have this. I’s basically delayed emptying of the stomach. I’m trying to figure out ways to increase the speed of my digestion and I think food combining might really help here. But all the websites I’ve looked at just list off things like “no protein and carbs together” etc, but I’m a visual learner, I need examples that I can picture! I mean…I don’t know, I find it complicated. Like is it bad then to put coconut oil (fat) in my smoothie (fruit/carb)? Is there a good book I can get that really goes in depth and explains it better?? I’m sick of food basically rotting in my stomach! Thanks.


  • Hi, I have been using food combining rules for about 3 years now. I have been following a table created by one of the leading Italian naturopath (also a family friend) and author. Unfortunately his books are not translated in English. I have this table in my kitchen and I have been thinking to translate it myself to give to other RAW members as I think there is a lack of knowledge in North America about food combining. I have tried to google the subject myself but all I found are articles which say don’t mix this with that etc…and are very vague. The table I have is really detailed as it divides food in 14 families and for each family (groups) indicates clearly what can/cannot/and could be tolerated as combination.

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