Italian Gnocchi recipe challenge

JoyceHJoyceH Raw Newbie

So my hubby and I have been missing the incredible gnocchi we ate so much of in Italy. This weekend my husband is going to make homemade cooked potato gnocchi with gorgonzola cheese sauce. We have a simple recipe that calls for ingredients that can all be bought locally. Even a brand of flour called King Arthers is made here in Vermont from wheat grown in fields just a few miles north of Burlington Vermont. So I feel good that our cooked vegetarian meal will be from very local ingredients that support area farms (cheese & butter from a local farm too)

SO why am I posting? Well I would like to make a raw version of a gnocchi dish along side of my husband. But I can’t seem to find a decent raw recipe (I don’t want to use Alissa’s where she scoops out avocado as the gnocchi). I want to make something that would be somewhat close to a dumpling that maybe would require some dehydrating to make the dumplings soft. I realize a raw version will never emulate the real deal. But I’d like to find something raw and a bit more healthy.

Any suggestions? Anyone have a good recipe for gnocchi? And what about a good raw cheese sauce?


  • radish_man posted a gnocchi recipe on this site last spring:… I haven’t tried it yet, but it’s a possibility. :)

  • Oh, and the Rich Cheddar Sauce posted by Crisyn is delicious:

  • JoyceHJoyceH Raw Newbie

    Thanks maxinatux. I totally forgot about the gnocchi recipe on this site. For some reason I thought it was different. I did see almond flour made from blanched almonds at Natural Provisions last night, but I probably could just grind up some raw almonds in the food processor or spice grinder.

  • Yeah, that’s what I’d do. I don’t buy almond flower myself. I find making your own works just as well. I’m very interested in how your meal turns out and would love it if you could keep me posted on it,that is if you don’t mind.:) ...and let me know if you find a cheese recipe that works as a good sub for the gorgonzola cheese sauce you mentioned. Your meal idea has my mouth watering!

  • CarmentinaCarmentina Raw Newbie

    Buckwheat flour (sprouted, dehydrated) can also be used for gnocchi, and Italians also make gnocchi with spinach, wild herbs, and pumpkin + flour. I’ve made them cooked with kamut and buckwheat with great results, but never raw. Maybe you could make them wetter than you should, then dehydrate…or you can make them more like spazle, the Alto-Adige version, which are smaller and might require less “flour”... I’d love to see the end result!

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