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Help!! Recurring Herpes Outbreaks

rawjazzrawjazz Raw Newbie

Hi everybody

Yes this is embarrassing but I just don’t know where else to turn for advice. I have gotten cold sores (the oral herpes virus) for the last few years, but usually only 1 outbreak a year or so. I went raw about 3 months ago and since then I have been having outbreaks every 2 weeks. It is killing me. The outbreak lasts about 5 days and then a week and a half later it happens again. I can’t help but think it’s detox, but I feel like I am just suffering here and I’m wondering how long this is going to last. Has anybody been through anything like this and how long can detox take? I can’t take these constant recurring outbreaks for much longer. Does anyone know about herbal remedies that I might try? Anyone who has suffered from oral herpes knows it’s uncomfortable and embarrassing. I don’t know what to do!

Thank you!!



  • rawjazz, how many nuts are you eating? They are very, very high in arginine which can definitely trigger outbreaks. Try to add more lysine rich foods instead; I can’t remember what they are, but if you google it there is a ton of info out there. Good luck—sounds like you’re going thru a very tough time.

  • WinonaWinona Raw Newbie

    Stay away from chlorine – that triggers outbreaks in me and many other people. I highly recommend young coconut water. I drank the water from 1-2 young thai coconuts every day for 2 weeks, and got better immediately.

  • MeditatingMeditating Raw Newbie

    I recently had a procedure that caused a good deal of trauma to my mouth. I was warned if I had ever had a cold sore that the procedure would cause me to have a serious outbreak and I was advised to take a Rx for the week prior to the procedure. I did not recall ever having a cold sore so I didn’t take the meds (and I don’t trust meds if I can get along without them). Two days after the procedure both of my lips were developing cold sores from one end of my mouth to another. I began researching safe and natural alternatives. I found them and they work. Within 24 hours of taking the products, the cold sores stopped. In three days they were gone. I took Lysine and GSE and applied lemon balm ointment to my lips.

    Lysine is a natural amino acid that stop the food source for herpes.

    Physicians have observed that the herpes simplex virus becomes inactive just ten minutes after the application of grapefruit seed extract. I used to take GSE almost daily, putting 10-15 drops in a little water up to 3 times daily if I have something I am trying to control. It will wipe our candida too, assuming you aren’t feeding it with sugar. If you are going to use it topically, it is VERY strong so be sure to dilute 3 drops in a tablespoon of oil. If you don’t, it can temporarily damage the tissue.

    There is some information supporting the use of lemon balm, but the information available on Lysine and GSE controlling herpes is extensive.

    Avoid taking L-arginine supplements or foods rich in L-arginine because it feeds and supports the herpes virus.

    You can google herpes and any of these products and find plenty of different links you can investigate.

    Good Luck. Cold sores really suck and they are incredibly painful.

  • rawjazzrawjazz Raw Newbie

    Thanks guys, I really appreciate the advice (and sympathy!). I am going to explore some natural options. And stop eating nuts!!

  • nthmostnthmost Raw Newbie

    Because I have had the same problem, mainly around Thanksgiving and Christmas when I’m making tons of nut-based sweets and waking up to an almond milk smoothie every morning, I just wanted to add my $.02—the L-arginine / Lysine ratio seems to be at main fault. Luckily, Lysine as a supplement turns out to absorb and assimilate rather well.

    While your cold sores are healing, you’ll probably want to stay away from citrus and other foods with high acidity. The acidity around your mouth just makes it harder for your skin to rebuild.

    When you go to bed at night, make sure you cover your lips in a lip balm that’s high in palmitic and stearic acids. I found shea butter to be the absolute best. The Druide Karite balm is a great product, though hard to find. Shea butter apparently assists in collagen production.

    Coconut oil with its lauric acid (medium-chain fatty acid) content is reportedly anti-viral. I don’t feel I got much relief from it; your mileage may vary.

    There is some evidence showing that red wine compounds combat the Herpes simplex virus. Google “red wine cold sores” and see if this might be useful to you.

  • The nut thing is interesting. My cold sores usually come out when my immune system is low. I have one now. As it is a virus thing, you should think of that.

  • colloidal silver is excellent and it should stop all future outbreaks. i cant remember the dose that was used but it was something like 4 tbs for 7 days. just make sure you get a really good one. it kills virus in the body.

  • amysueamysue Raw Newbie

    rawjazz – I knew i had seen this somewhere before so I went back and found it http://mattmonarch.blogspot.com/ scroll all the way down to the bottom of the page and you’ll see a mention of raw detox and herpes. There’s lots of other great info too.

  • leavesfallleavesfall Raw Newbie

    Sad to hear but it's not so scary. I use colloidal silver  and some creams  to reduce outbreaks but my advise is to go to your doctor. He/she know what is the best way to solve it

  • peterk6443peterk6443 Raw Newbie

    The herpes virus causes an outbreak when the immune system weakens or so-called triggers are present. To avoid outbreaks, you should take care of your diet because foods rich in arginine and poor in lysine can contribute to outbreaks. There are also factors to control: not sleeping long enough, exposure to the sun's rays and eating moldy foods. In this link you can find extensive information about oral herpes and its treatment, ie herpes on tongue, herpes on the lips and herpes in other parts of the mouth.

  • angelikaitravelangelikaitravel Raw Newbie

    I did get that ones a year to my lips and i learnt to use a peppermint essential oil!!

    It really do help. Ever since i put it daily to my lips because it also plumps them lips! My lips tend to shrink and go blue when its cold, but not anymore! Been using it for a 2 years now and only ones got a cold sore. And when it came i even put a Tea Tree essential oil to my lips, and i think that was even faster healing than with the peppermint. Try one of them! 

  • gungunumgungunum Raw Newbie

    Why are you still on a detox diet if it makes you so uncomfortable? It sounds like your herpes has become chronic, contact your doctor. Reconsider your diet, nuts, for example, are extremely allergenic and contain a lot of histamines. Herpes is a disease from which you cannot get rid of yet, but you can maintain a long period of remission. 

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