GE sugar hitting the market

CarmentinaCarmentina Raw Newbie

Monsanto’s now shoving genetically engineered sugar our way via Kellogs breakfast cereals. We at GONE RAW know better than to eat that crap, but a lot of people don’t know any better. Here’s an article about this new Franken sugar that will sweep the markets: Sign the petition to stop it:


  • ZoeZoe Raw Newbie

    YUK! And a lot of people think those cereals are relatively ‘healthy’ don’t they?!

  • Ugh! Monsanto is an Evil corporation! Thanks for posting this.

  • greenghostgreenghost Raw Newbie

    Thank you Carmentina for posting about this. It is very upsetting, but we need to be aware of this kind of exploitation. I just signed the petition.
    ps: I haven’t personally bought any Kellogg’s products in years, but I’m happy to make them aware that Frankenfood is definitely NOT OK.

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