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That wouldn’t be me, but here’s a site for you heartshapedsky! If you poke around the site he explains what he eats and when to prepare for a race.
I would love more info on this too, I’m learning to do running more and am hoping to do a half marathon next year, just started training for it.
Please, please… Anyone have experiences that you’d like to share?
Heartshapedsky~ Wish I could be of some help… But I would suggest Chia Seed… Take a look at this website and see what you think… Surely there are some runners on here to help you… Have a great run!!!
Thank you waterbaby!
Hi heartshapedsky, Are you asking what works pre, during, and post workouts as far as food? If so…
In my experience, running on an empty or nearly empty stomach is much more pleasurable than running on a full stomach or eating just before I run.
Most runs I don’t eat anything during exercise. The exception would be long run of 2+ hours. I might carry some dates in that case. I my first and only marathon, I carried a small bag of dates and drank water at the water station. Fueling wise, that worked for me.
Afterwards, I eat! Fruit is best and easiest to digest and assimilate.
btw, OrganicAthlete has chapters all over the country. Some of which are training for running events together. It’s a good group of people. Check us out at
Good luck! -Bradley
Thank you Bradley!
heartshapedsky.. I had run one marathon pre raw.. one when I was just learning about raw.. and one at about 80 percent raw, no coffee, vegan. My last marathon was difficult training wise because I did the master cleanse and a juice feast during it.. I am now training for two fall marathons. I am still learning what works but some things I’ve learned: I also run on an empty stomach in the morning. I do fuel up good the night/day before. Lots of bananas and other carbs. I eat some non raw brown rice pasta and rice and eziekal bread. I have a hard time carbing up without those things. During a run of more than 90 minutes I like to use dates/ coconut water or carry a banana with me. That type of fuel works. I do still use gu packets occasionally I just make sure to get the fruit flavored ones so at least they are vegan. Post long run I like to have a big salad or smoothie. That night I usually then need a substantial dinner. I find cutting back on overt fats like avocado’s and nuts is better for my running, even more so than avoiding all cooked foods. Heavy food is too hard on me the night before a run. I’ve been eating chia seeds recently b/c I bought a big bag and I think they may be decent fuel. I’ve been having them as my nightime dessert before a long run. Hope some of this helped!
kminty3: You rock, thank you for all the great information. I really appreciate it and I’ll be trying your suggestions for sure. I’ve found I struggle with getting enough carbs as well if I don’t have my eziekal bread and quinoa, etc. And I’ve thought the heavier fats were weighing me down a bit but kept asking myself, how can this be? Glad I’m not the only one. Now, if avocados weren’t so delicious…
I’m glad! I hope so of that helped. I really am like my own guiniea (sp?) pig.. I try something.. run.. evaluate.. and see what works. I am amazed that some people run well during a juice fast or master cleanse. My running was horrible! I could barely get through two miles then and as a marathoner it was horrible! Now that I am eating, a lot! :), I run about 45-55 miles a week
kminty3- Two more questions, hope you don’t mind! Do you have a recipe for your chia seed dessert? and What is your training schedule like pre- marathon? Thanks!
Hey!! yes and yes! for the nightly chia seed dessert I make a cup or so of some kind of nut or date milk, maybe thrown in a little vanilla or coconut shreds for flavor, then stir in two tablespoons chia seeds and let them sit for about 20 minutes. As far as my training schedule goes this is what I do : I run 5 days a week. I take the day off before my long run and the day after my long run. I build up my long run by about 1 mile or 2 or a week until I hit 20 miles, then I try to get in about 3 20 milers before the race (with about 3 weeks in between them) My other four runs are generally 3 10-12 mile runs during the week and one short run of 2-3 miles. I have found I have to do those 3 weekday runs of about 2 hours to really get my legs where they need to be. I’ve also found that I need to get my legs to a place where 10-12 miles is nothing.. because on race day you want the first 10-12 to feel like nothing, the second ten to feel like your workout, and the last six is all in your head. Keep me posted!
kminty3- Thank you so much again. I’ve been following a training book for beginners but I think I may try some of your routine as well. I’ve been very active with running, boot camp style exercise, yoga and pilates for almost 3 years now, hopefully my body will be up for the challenge. xoxo
good luck! if you ever want to email me with training questions , observations, (not that I”m expert by any means :)) feel free