Cookbook Names!

honeywaterhoneywater Raw Newbie

If you could make your own raw cookbook, what would you call it?


  • A Choice for Life.

  • WinonaWinona Raw Newbie

    Gettin it Raw Dog


  • CarmentinaCarmentina Raw Newbie

    Rawlicious? But maybe it’s already taken. Raw Living. Raw Corner. The Law of Raw. Rawly Sumptuous. Raw Fever. Some Like it Raw. Raw Glow. Raw Me Up. Raw Now.

  • shgadwashgadwa Raw Newbie

    If it was for a beginner vegan:

    Beginners Guide to becoming a health nut.

    If it was for plain health nuts:

    Organic Soup for the Tofu soul….. Ha! Just Kidding!

    Something like (name here) Raw Food Un-Cooking cookbook.

    I like some like it raw, as well.

  • 1. Pure

    2. Rawma

    3. RawSizzle

    4. Eden

    5. Creation Calls

    6. BeautifulRaw

    7. Roots: Kickin It Old School

    I’d include lots of gorgeous colorful pictures of our planet and universe and sustainable farms around the world….as well as cultures and people groups affected by our responsible or irresponsible use of the planet and it’s resources…. lots of colorful ethnic pics of families, kitchens and cultures way of uncooking…. oooohhh the creative juices are flowing!

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