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hahaHA! That cracks me up. I know where you are coming from.
As I am living with my parents who are SAD I totally understand what you are saying!
I made myself some raw chocolate today (mixed raw cocoa butter with a ton of things to make a yummy concoction) and I gave my mom a bite. Her response was it was too sweet and based on the sweetness regular processed chocolate would be far healthier….
What can you do?
I feel your pain too. Just this Sunday, after being 100% raw for 6 weeks (while my boyfriend coincidentally was out of town), my mum made a comment about how she thought I was going to start eating “real” food again when my boyfriend returned. Grrrr! What’s more real than a whole fruit or vegetable?
hahah my parents use the “real food” one too…My mom drinks diet coke like crazy, who knows what artificial crap is in that. Whatever it is, I wouldnt classify it as “real”
Oh i can so relate. I bring in huge salads to work and nosh on fruit and veg all day and get the ‘youre always eating’. As if eating just one small slice of pizza is somehow better? Diet coke is sooo addictive. I was hooked on it for years. It does cause tiny brain lesions from the aspartame, fyi. aspartame and msg are excito-toxins.
yeah there is so much junk pop science out there that everyone things they are an expert. no carbs, no fat, no sugar, etc. we really need to teach PROPER nutrition in schools and to doctors.
i have yet to encounter my parents long-term while raw but i am sure they will have something interesting to say.
You could always start giving her the science behind whatever she is eating – the fructose & fiber in the fruit versus the white flour in her bagel…but it might be better to just let her wallow in her “real” food while you heal yourself with “too much sugar” heehee
I am fortunate that my parents have seen the great improvements in my health & know that I study a lot about nutrition, so they don’t give me a hard time about it now, and my siblings have backed off as they’ve seen my life improve, too.
Wow. Nice to know I’m not the only one who gets crap constantly. Not a single person in my life understands anything I tell them. Just yesterday I asked my sister why she went running for 10 minutes and then came in and made and ate an entire pan of Kraft Mac and Cheese. She replied with a ton of screaming and defensive words about how I NEED meat. She wouldn’t get off the idea that I HAD to be eating meat and how unhealthy I am…while shoving her face with processed flour, fake cheese, and butter.
I get SOOO frusterated. I live in a BIG meat-eating house with everyone being overweight. It makes me so angry that people think that others are “healthy” or a “normal” weight, when they are actually overweight, but there are so many people that are overweight it’s not “healthy.” I still live with my parents and family am so I get crap every single day and it’s sooo wearing on you. I now work two jobs so I can pay for my own food because my parents don’t support me eating fruit and veggies. When my mum buys seedless watermelon (which she knows I REFUSE to eat) and it goes to waste, she gets furious that I didn’t eat it. Why didn’t anyone ELSE in the house eat it? It was the ONLY fruit they had.
Somehow I get the blame for eating their ice cream, chicken, steaks, and anything else you can think of…still haven’t figured out where in the world they get that from…why would I WANT to eat that?
I have my own fridge, dehydrator, and dishes so I can control what I eat when I want without having to deal with them so much.
Wow, soo…a thousand paragraphs later (could still keep going), I agree with everything you guys say and TOTALLY understand what you’re going through.
If anything would be productive, maybe if you “showed” people comparisons of “better” choices, it would be more understandable what they are actually eating. Here are a few links that show that. Even though these links (I only did a quick search) are not vegan/veggie oriented, it might be helpful or you can search for a similar approach that does have vegan/veggie options for the “eat this” option.
Much patiences to you!!!!!
That’s funny raw court, I get that a lot from SAD people. My boyfriend and I were eating a whole cantaloupe each last summer and his mother said,” You two eat too much sugar, that’s not good for you.” Then opened up a packaged Twinkie and ate two of them One day, just one day, maybe they will wake up! lol
lol! can a twinkie even be considered food?
There was a family of four overweight Amerrricans behind me on the plane a couple days ago. They were all eating McDonald’s except for the little boy, maybe 12 or 13 years old. When he said he was hungry, his mother replied, “oh boy! We’ve gotta get you some nourishment! Here, take my other sandwich! Oh! And drink up this milkshake, you need your calcium” She handed him some double-patty pile of grease and a chocolate milkshake bigger than his head, and proceeded. Yeah, real NOURISHMENT! AHHH!!!!
I second that…. AAAHHHHHH!
Peace. It’s not easy bein green….
Ahh… I get this kind of stuff all the time from my extended family. It’s hard for me cause I’m a very… err, verbal diarhea type o gal, to keep my frustration to myself. My parents and brother understand, mostly, but my grandmother is TERRIBLE! She is so duped by what she has been told for countless years by medical proffessionals (She had two sons who were diagnosed with diabetes shortly after birth) and in all food related circumstances (as well as most other areas that I’ve tried to educate myself in; but I won’t blather heh heh) refuses to acknowledge that I am not a COMPLETE moron. So when I go to her house to visit and see her making “healthy” treats for my uncle (diabetic from birth) and his son (overweight and recently diagnosed with diabetes) using white flour and artificial sweetener I have to bite my tongue and remember all the times in the past when my contributions to any “conversation” (ie them poking fun) about MY poor eating habits (pff) lead to me being attacked, them not listening and my mom getting angry with ME for “picking a fight”. Sometimes it’s best to just not try to defend yourself unless you think they are willing to listen. At least for me. It is kinda a silent bittersweet giggle for me though because I know I’m doing a good thing for myself and that, maybe years down the road they’ll see from my good health that I wasn’t wrong. Assuming they’re still around what with those vunder-bar habits o ders. anyway I ended up blathering anyhow. sorry;)
I know, it’s should hear my brother. He’s younger(13), so it’s funny, but yeah. Twinkies…wow, how oblivious are people?! Then I get the “you’re too thin, eat a hamburger…” so dumb!! So I’m thin now I need to get fat, and unhealthy…?!! whatever…..
My mom took me to Cafe Gratitude (a famous and excellent raw food restaurant in the SF bay area) and ordered the lasagna.She couldn’t finish it and when the wait person asked her if she wanted to take it home, she smiled politely and said “Yes, I love salad”. Recently she wanted to take me out for dinner and I reminded her, yet again, that I only eat raw and she pouted like a child and said “but that’s only salad”. Clearly she doesn’t get it. And what a waste to go to an elegant raw food restaurant and think all you’re eating is salad. It’s sad, really, because it shows no respect for the chef who put so much into it. We can’t really expect to be understood, but we can set an excellent example.
I have been studying health for 37 years and my SAD DH still brings up controversial comments about raw foods and meat. I keep telling him, that with all the studying I have done, he wont win the argument, but he keeps trying.
Get’em, beany! Get’em! lol
I was told “If you don’t eat what everyone else eats you will get ill” This was from someone who was overweight and had IBS!
Lovin” My Sunshine wrote:
“I now work two jobs so I can pay for my own food because my parents don’t support me eating fruit and veggies.”
What’s this world coming to when parents don’t support the consumption of fruit and veggies??? Very SAD…pun intended, I guess.
the majority of people are dumb and clueless….I just heard last night on the news that by 2030 they are estimating 86% of Americans will be overweight/obese. So I guess that makes us the 14% who stay healthy. RAW POWER
that’s funny…i heard by 204(something) 100% of americans would be obese….so it is estimated at a further 10 years (or so) for that 14% to dwindle to nothing lol :0)
Here’s something you haven’t thought of… 1/3 of adults are overweight or obese. But remember – the age of ADULT is defined as anyone over 18 years old. I’m at a university, and the majority of the students aren’t overweight. But once they get older, they put on the pounds… So while it may sound like 30% of people are the right weight, ACTUALLY some of them are age 18-30 who WILL put on the pounds when their metabolism slows down. A real statistic is – how many people age 40, or 50, or 60 are the right weight? PROBABLY only 10% or less!!!
Yes! That IS the thing about statistics. You know the saying about statistics? There’s three kinds of lies: There’s lies, there’s damned lies, and there’s statistics….
I believe you are right, winona. My husband notices it when we go to grocery stores. Just look at the people walking in the parking lot or around in the store. It is definately way over the current “stats”. I wonder if the weight charts will be “adjusted” again to accomodate. I hate those charts – obese kids are being told they fit into the proper range…
Maybe if they stop putting corn syrup in everything SAD eaters eat it wouldnt be as dramatic ….check this out:
Organic Similac: Formula for Obesity? by Joanne Waldron (see all articles by this author)
(NaturalNews) Most mothers know that breast milk is best for baby, but there are some people who, perhaps for health reasons, need to find a safe alternative. In many instances, these moms look for an organic infant formula and are willing to pay top dollar to give their babies the best possible nutrition. Sadly, just because an infant formula is given the “organic” label doesn’t necessarily mean that it is healthy.
For example, a recent article in The New York Times revealed that the organic version of Similac infant formula is sweetened with cane sugar (sucrose) and is much sweeter than other infant formulas. While all infant formulas have some added sugars to aid in the digestion of proteins, other organic products use sugars like organic lactose, which is presumably a better match for what’s found in breast milk and doesn’t have the sweetness of sucrose. Most health-conscious readers are probably shaking their heads and thinking that it is nothing short of insanity to be adding sugar to baby formula when the U.S. is in the middle of an obesity epidemic. Were pediatricians actually consulted about what was put into this formula? Or was the product designed primarily by food chemists like the ones that create fast food strawberry milkshakes?
According to a list of frequently asked questions on the FDA website, the FDA currently does not approve infant formula before it can be marketed. The FDA does require that infant formula contain minimum amounts of certain nutrients, and it does provide upper limits for some nutrients. Certain nutrients that are required to be included in any infant formula are protein, fat, linoleic acid, vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin E, vitamin K, thiamin (vitamin B1), riboflavin (vitamin B2), vitamin B6, vitamin B12, niacin, folic acid, pantothenic acid, vitamin C, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, zinc, manganese, copper, iodine, sodium, potassium and chloride. If cow’s milk is not used for the formula, then biotin, choline and inositol must be included.
Any substance that is generally recognized as safe may be used in infant formula in the United States. For now, that means that sugar can be used in baby formula in the U.S., and there is absolutely no upper limit to the amount of sugar that can be dumped into it. Europe, on the other hand, in light of the childhood obesity epidemic, has banned all sucrose from baby formula products beginning in 2009.
According to the The New York Times article, Dr. Benjamin Caballero, director of the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, doesn’t think sucrose belongs in infant formula, either. Dr. Caballero believes that feeding children sweet things encourages them to eat more. He explains that babies and children generally prefer sweeter foods and will eat more of them than foods that aren’t as sweet.
While having babies eat more might be of interest to food corporations, parents need to be concerned with the health of their children. Concerns about obesity aren’t the only problem with putting sugar in baby formula. If a baby’s teeth are constantly exposed to sugar, this could result in tooth decay.
Clearly, finding a safe infant formula is a daunting task. According to The Breastfeeding Task Force of Greater Los Angeles, there are many risks associated with using infant formula instead of breast milk. For example, formula feeding is responsible for up to 26% of insulin dependent diabetes mellitus in children. Middle-ear infections are three to four times more common in children who are fed infant formula, and children who are fed infant formula are also much more likely to be hospitalized due to bacterial infections. In addition to the health risks, some studies have shown that formula-fed babies don’t do as well on intelligence tests as breast-fed babies.
Moreover, sugar isn’t the only undesirable thing turning up in infant formula. An NPR report indicates that certain formulas enhanced with omega-3 fatty acids may actually pose a health risk. Other reports warn about Bisphenol-A turning up in infant formulations. What is a new mother to do?
Maybe new moms should take a lesson from the animal kingdom. What other mammals feed their babies the milk of other creatures? Do dogs try to feed their puppies cat milk? Of course not. Even small children know that cat milk is for kittens, just like cow’s milk is for baby cows. Perhaps the perfect formula for a baby just isn’t something that can be found in a can.
Thats really terrifying about the formulaIts amazing what they put sugar in. Its in canned veggies too in the US. We become so addicted without even realizing. Society is all so brainwashed by the bs. I had a nutritionist tell me that I would never be able to build muscle tone unless I supplemented protein b/c I dont get any in my vegan diet. really? really? what school did they go to?
I have a supportive family(they saw how I benefited) but the people at my work are never endingly telling me how “worried” they are about me. One woman said to me “I hate to be like this but I’m really concerned about you, you’ve lost weight. I think you need to eat more”......she’s had two heart surgeries and suffers heart attacks fairly often. She’s also probably fifty pounds overweight. I still have at least ten more pounds to lose and have never felt better in my life! I doubt she’ll ever get it and it makes me sad because she could benefit even more than I did.
I have a supportive family(they saw how I benefited) but the people at my work are never endingly telling me how “worried” they are about me. One woman said to me “I hate to be like this but I’m really concerned about you, you’ve lost weight. I think you need to eat more”......she’s had two heart surgeries and suffers heart attacks fairly often. She’s also probably fifty pounds overweight. I still have at least ten more pounds to lose and have never felt better in my life! I doubt she’ll ever get it and it makes me sad because she could benefit even more than I did.
I have a supportive family(they saw how I benefited) but the people at my work are never endingly telling me how “worried” they are about me. One woman said to me “I hate to be like this but I’m really concerned about you, you’ve lost weight. I think you need to eat more”......she’s had two heart surgeries and suffers heart attacks fairly often. She’s also probably fifty pounds overweight. I still have at least ten more pounds to lose and have never felt better in my life! I doubt she’ll ever get it and it makes me sad because she could benefit even more than I did.