Knee and Ellbow Problems

marcellmarcell Raw Newbie

Hey all, well this ones kidan off topic but its actually not,anyways…. i started running some time ago and maybe i rushed a bit (sorry about my english, if its bad :) all a bit and built up too fast but that one day i was running 2 hours and my knees started to hurt really bad i had to pause for a month, now im not running anymore and so i was looking for something new and i started rock climbing it all worked out really good and i was having fun but now my ellbows start to hurt the same way my knees did. Do you think my Body is missing anything in my nutrition that causes this, i think so? What i wanted to ask actually is what do you guys think do i have to eat more of to stop this, any kind of mineral? Any Ideas? Im vegan and not 100% raw but working towards it.


  • As a runner I take an msm supplement for my joints. Sometimes a glucosamine chondroitin supplement as well. I find that they help. Also warming up prior to a workout and stretching afterwards (after your body is all warmed up) is important. Learning good stretches have probably helped me the most.

  • Oh and drinking loads of water helps me too.

  • lzhptlzhpt Raw Newbie

    ditto the LOADS of water. See

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