Making the transition to 100% raw by weeks end

steviostevio Raw Newbie

OK, I have been eating mostly whole foods (plus 2 slices of whole grain bread) daily for many weeks now, I have been having green smoothies of at least 50+ ounces/day for 6 days, and already my cravings for raw food has increased, and I am actually developing an aversion to cooked food. I have 2 days worth of chicken and shrimp left before I run out of meat, and my upbringing makes it hard for me to throw that out.

So I am hoping to go fully raw this coming weekend. I have friday off, and will have finished my meat by then, and then I will take the plunge. Though my plan was to do this gradually, the transformation that I am feeling already is pushing me in this direction quite strongly. I got my first 2 shipment of raw food books yesterday and today, and am reading them voraciously, and hopefully will be prepared to just go raw vegan at the end of the week. Any suggestions or warnings or general comments of support are welcome. I fear the detox, but next week is a 4 day work week for me with friday off followed by 10 consecutive days off, so hopefully, if the detox is strong, I can weather the worst of it while having no responsibilities.


  • JaimeReksJaimeReks Raw Newbie

    Awesome and congrats!! I’ve also been trying to make the transition gradually(from mostly vegan) but keep slipping. I am just starting 100% now, and the more I stick with it, the more I love it. I’ve been looking for someone to keep up with who is also going through this, so I was glad to see your post! Keep up with the green smoothies, man I love those!

  • troublesjustabubbletroublesjustabubble Raw Newbie

    hey good luck Stevio. Isn’t it awesome to crave raw food? I never thought I’d get there but when I did a juice fast I realized I only want raw food. It’s a great feeling.

  • steviostevio Raw Newbie

    Well, today marks day 1 as a vegan, but I would saw only about 98% raw for the next 2 days. I have a jar of olives in the fridge that I am going to finish rather than throw away. I had a few today, a few more tomorrow, and the last of my bread/meat/dairy/pasturized olives will be gone, and I will be living the raw vegan lifestyle.

    Last night I finished some chicken and pasta I had and I felt terrible afterwards, and continued to feel terrible this morning. By noon I had my second green smoothy, and was feeling so much better. I rounded off lunch with a nice ripe cantaloupe some blueberries, and some raw sunflower seeds. It was so refreshing!

  • Good Luck Stevio.. I have been trying to transition over to RAw food more myself within the last few months.. It gets easier and easier with time.. I still have a few slip ups.. Though the desire for RAW always brings me back to center..


  • steviostevio Raw Newbie

    Well, I had my slip-up today. I planned poorly, and ended up getting some roasted sunflower seeds and cashews to get me through a period of time this afternoon. That said, I also had a gallon of green smoothies and some blueberries (a LOT of blueberries).

    I am not beating myself up about it, but I learned something very important: If I let myself get too hungry, then eat a bunch of roasted nuts and seeds, I get terrible cravings for cooked foods and meat. I almost broke down and went out for sushi for dinner, but was able to calm myself down (while bingeing on locally picked blueberries) and ride it out, and the craving passed.

  • Well I just wanna say, congratulations to your decision to go raw vegan stevio! Of course you’ll have slip ups along the way, but getting back on track is what matters! And it looks like you got a handle on it!! Good luck with everything!! :)

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