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Eat a slice of lemon before a meal high in fats. It will help stimulate HCl (hydrochloric acid). Blending helps break up fiberous vegetables. Allison
If you weren’t soaking your nuts and seeks, you could give that a go. I’ve found that it helps a lot. I think fats can really help immensely during the transition to raw, but I know that I went a little overboard with the nut recipes at first and experienced some digestive issues from that (even though I was soaking the nuts). You might try experimenting with different fats (olive oil, coconut butter, avocado) to see if they might be easier on your system.
I second the suggestion of lemon – warm water with lemon before meals has been an incredible help to me. You might also try incorporating more pineapple or papaya into your diet – they’re fantastic for digestion as well.
These are great suggestions..I will try them all..the lemon with warm water sounds like it could help..I also love avocados so I will go easy on the nuts and definatly soak them first. Thanks both of you!!!
You can eat a low fat raw diet that consists mainly of very digestible fruits and lettuces. This can even improve your digestion.
Just to give readers an update..I tried eating a slice of lemon before my meals and I have had NO problems with indigestion..zilch! I also have been soaking the seeds and this seems to also really help! Thanks again for the suggestions. SocaL…do you know what fruits and greens seem to be more easily digested than others?..I know this may vary up the individual but maybe there is a list somewhere.
Yay! That’s great to hear—-glad the lemon worked for you!
Glad to hear you are getting positive results. As for best for digestion, sweet fruits are almost all easy to digest as long as they are ripe and fresh. This seems simple but most fruits we find in the market are not ripe and fresh. Most are picked way too early to allow for a longer shelf life. The sweeter juicier fruits will digest fastest. For example watermelon is practically predigested, it’s about 92% water and 8% fruit sugar. The sweeter and juicier the fruit is the easier it is to digest. As for lettuces, the best ones are romaine and iceberg.
Thanks SocaL. I’ve been actually craving watermelon. (haven’t had it in 2 years!) Glad to hear that the sweet fruits digest well…I have a mango custard waiting at home. I made it with a very ripe mango. BTW, every time I see your picture it reminds me of having fresh Durian in Hollywood beach when I lived ion Florida. Durian is SO yummy!
Durian is the king of fruit! Can’t wait for my trip to Thailand!
My boyfriend had problems digesting greens when he first tried to go raw. He was told that the strength of the stomach acid (or something like this) probably was the problem, and that this could be solved by drinking green smoothies. (Victoria Boutenko talks about this). He started drinking green smoothies (after a while he actually just added spirulina to his smoothies, because we found out that it probably was the chlorophyll that was the code), and started his transition with raw food + boiled potatoes, and ate potatoes with his dinner salad for a few weeks, and after that had no problem digesting the greens without eating the potato.