dehydrating savory/ sweet together

Can I dehydrate savroy and sweet at the same time in my excalibur? Or will the savory (ex. onion bread) mess with the sweet flavors?

thanks! just got my excalibur yesterday…no the day before and I am EXCITED!


  • rawmamarawmama Raw Newbie

    BINGO! :) I was JUST thinking the same thing! I wanted to dehydrate coconut and also tomatoes that have rosemary & salt on them…would those flavors mesh and combine in one another if they are on separate trays, but in the same dehydrator, dehydrating at the same time???

  • I just found out. I had granola in with a stinky pizza crust. I had to throw away the granola. Yuck!

  • I usually just dry common things because of what happened to RAWCure. I have dried squash and peppers together but never fruit and veggies.

  • beanybeeganbeanybeegan Raw Newbie

    This gives great ideas. Like dehydrating pineapple with apples or granola.Bananas may work the same way. Thanks!

  • lzhptlzhpt Raw Newbie

    rawmama—what are you doing with those tomatoes. I am a sucker for SD tomatoes and my mouth waters just thinking about Tomatoes , rosemary and ss.

  • rawmamarawmama Raw Newbie

    Thanks Rawcure for that result, I’ll be careful with what’s together:)

    Izhpt…sorry for writing back so late, didn’t see your question :) I love making tomato leather. You absolutely have to oil your trays, at least I had to, but a friend of mine had different trays and her leather was ok without oil…anyhooooooo :) here’s the scoop on what I made. And I’m sure it’d be ok to just dip a sliced tomato in the mixture and dehydrate without pureeing too.

    Blend 6 tomatoes (squeeze out the seeds first) 2 sprigs of rosemary (leaves only) 2 sprigs of basil (leaves only) 2 or more sprigs or oregano (leaves only) 2 tsp. Sea salt

    Dehydrate 110° for 6-12 hours.

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