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hmmm, I am still so brand new to this and do not scientifically know, but I have also thought about this and agree with you.
My thought is “wouldn’t freezing kill the enzymes?”
the way I see it…when you cook food you actually break down the molecules. When you freeze food, you are simply stopping the molecules from moving around as they form a crystalized structure. Thus the enzymes are rearranged in freezing rather than the destruction of enzymes by heating. This link shows USDA testing conclusions that the nutritional value of frozen fruits are almost equivalent to the fresh versions.
Yes, I think the enzymes remain intact, but the lifeforce of the food is likely affected to a large degree. I remember reading in Conscious Eating that freezing destroys 70% of a food’s energy. I don’t know how this is quantified, but I suspect it would be revealed using Kirlian image photography.
Here is link to a Kirlian image of maca:… :)
freezing is not as bad as cooking, but i think fresh is best!
Bitt~ Nicely put!!!
BTW~ Love your new photo, you are very pretty and so nice to see you without that ?apple? in your mouth!!! LOL
Oh! I thought it was a cucumber. Yes, I do like your picture.Thought there may have been 2 bitts on goneraw.
Hahahahahahah Beany, YOU’RE so FUNNY!!!
You know, it could have been a cuke… Only Bitt knows for sure!!! LOL
I asked this in another thread and no body seemed to have an answer. If vegetation cam be burnt by freezing. Isn’t that the same thing? I still have some blackberries in the freezer and was waiting for an answer
Can I 2nd WB & Beany – Great pic bitt!
I thought it was a cucumber..
Thanks, everyone. It makes sense that most of the nutritional value is saved, but most of the energy is lost. I know that when that molecules freeze they form crystals, and the cell walls are often broken, which is why they are so limp and slimy when they’re thawed.
So, my best guess is that it wouldn’t qualify as a ‘living’ food, if that’s what you want, but it would still have most of the enzymes and vitamins.
I tend to think that freezing is a little different then cooking or steaming. Think of it this way they freeze human eggs/sperm and they are still able to implant those to make babies. So freezing can’t be that bad. Not really science I know but just a way to look at it .
I think DebbieTook has a really interesting experiment. Check out her blog here
She froze grains and tested their sprouting abilities. Freezing denatures the food, destroys some nutrients, destroys a significant percentage of enzymes.
“When food or solution is frozen, only the water molecules turn to ice and anything else is trapped in vacuoles – in effect dehydrating the food and often denaturing the cells in the food.’ ‘Denaturing’ means changing the properties of the food. For example, when amino-acids (from which we make protein) are changed they can be less easily assimilated by our bodies.”
Freezing is a great question! I don’t think anyone agrees on it, and I certainly haven’t made up my mind.
screaming herb: I didn’t read your other thread, but as far as I know, freezer burn is a loss of moisture, so it seems to be a case of extreme freezing and denaturing of a food. So food with freezer burn will likely have fewer nutrients and overall energy. :)
I didn’t look at the experiment yet, but my neighbor keeps her leftover garden seeds in the freezer & they still grow fine a year later. I have read raw food books that say that “freezing for a long time destroys enzymes.” So maybe it makes a difference whether you buy/grow fresh fruit & have it frozen for a day (or a week, or a month) before using, or if you buy frozen fruit that has already been frozen for a year? I guess, for me, it comes back to seeing how I feel when I eat it. Therefore, I agree with bitt – fresh is best, but freezing is not as bad as cooking.
I’m very new to this website, so HI on that note!
Achin what do you mean by a food’s life force? Once the veggie or fruit has been picked, how would the fruit keept its life force? where would it be replenished from?
It’s kind of hard to explain, but I’ll try! Everything is energy, including us. This is why live foods are so important. A live foods diet can restore the microelectric potential of an organism’s cells. Through food storage and cooking, the natural radiation of a food can be drastically affected. Freeze-drying holds on to 75% of the original energy, but freezing hold only 30% of the original energy.
Here’s the order, from highest to lowest: 1) fresh, raw foods is best; 2) food stored in the fridge for 4 hours; 3) freeze-drying; 4) freezing; 5) gamma radiation leaves almost no natural radiation.
Check out this link:
Hope this helps! :)